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Book Presentation in the Parliament
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On February 26 in the foyer next to the RA National Assembly Session Hall the presentation of the next collection entitled “One World in Size of My Heart” by the poet Koryun Arakelyan was held.

The RA NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan, the NA deputies, the representatives of the NA Staff and artists attended the event.

The RA NA Speaker delivered a speech in the presentation, saying in particular: “Dear friends, today the cultural life of the National Assembly is presented with a presentation of a collection of poems, the author of which is the member of the Writers’ and the Journalists’ Unions of Armenia Koryun Arakelyan.

Koryun Arakelyan is neither a young political figure, nor a young poet, in fact, in both cases it refers not to the age, but the experience and the passed path, and on the contrary, in both cases the maturity is evident.

It is interesting that in Koryun Arakelyan’s case both have been combined in parallel. Fortunately, neither his political activity, nor his created poetry suffered from that parallel movement. Herewith, its evidence is Koryun Arakelyan’s next collection with the title “One World in Size of My Heart.” I think that each of you will find there at least one line close to him/her, with that becoming the participant in all that takes place in the poet's world, feeling that world in size of his heart, and through his thoughts and feelings.

Let me congratulate Koryun Arakelyan on the occasion of the next poetic collection and wish him creative infinite energy and continuous presentations.”

During the event artists also delivered speeches, congratulating Koryun Arakelyan on the occasion of the publication of the book “One World in Size of My Heart”, wished him creative endless path. The attendees have noted that in his sixth collection the author has presented his emotions, innermost nostalgia, intimate feelings, state of mind and emotional experiences. They have assured that Koryun Arakelyan is a sustained poet, who has his unique place in the literary world.

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