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Formal Opening Speech by the RA NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan to the Participants of the Euronest PA Fourth Ordinary Session
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“Distinguished President of the Republic of Armenia,

Honourable Parliamentarians,

Dear Guests,

I welcome the attendees and thank them for taking part in the Fourth Ordinary Session Euronest of the Parliamentary Assembly . This is already the second event that we host in Armenia within the framework of the Euronest.

The Euronest Parliamentary Assembly is a unique initiative, which have come into force due to our work and consistency. This is vivid evidence that our joint efforts give tangible results.

As a parliamentary platform for the implementation of the Eastern Partnership Policy, the Euronest promotes the provision of necessary conditions for multilateral close cooperation between the EU and the Eastern partners, which is the best pledge of avoiding the creation of dividing lines. This Assembly should be observed as an important platform of expansion of multilateral cooperation between the European Union and the Eastern partners, but not merely an instrument for bilateral interaction with the European Union.

The Euronest gives an essential weight to our international ties and the parliamentary diplomacy, as an additional impetus for the intensification of contacts between the parliamentarians and our societies.

Whether this platform will promote cooperation expansion between the participant states or not, will depend on the fact how the prerogatives of the Assembly will be used. I consider important to preserve the spirit of cooperation and focus on such problems of common interest for the EU and us, like the expansion of people-to-people contacts, the strengthening of democracy and rule of law, the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, the shaping of tolerant society and harmonious co-existence. I believe that it is them to be on our common political agenda, but not the items, which can turn the Euronest a platform of non-constructive disputes. Hence, let us show responsibility and make maximum use of this Assembly.

Dear colleagues,

I once again welcome you in Armenia and wish success to the works of the Assembly. I am confident that it will have its important role in the implementation of the Eastern Partnership objectives and the Euronest ideas.

Thank you.”

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