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Exhibition Dedicated to the Armenian Genocide Opens in Nicosia
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On April 3 an exhibition dedicated to the Armenian Genocide opened in the capital of Cyprus, Nicosia. In the exhibition the RA NA President Galust Sahakyan and the President of the House of Representatives of Cyprus Yiannakis Omirou made opening remarks.

In his opening remarks Galust Sahakyan has noted that with united efforts of the State Commission coordinating the events dedicated to the Armenian Genocide Centennial, the Diaspora Armenians and the friendly countries, different events are carried out in many cities of the world.

In the NA President’s word, the events dedicated to that symbolic anniversary are not events of mere memory, but they include several directions, and its summary has become the slogan “I remember and  demand.” This slogan is all-human message of condemning the Armenian Genocide and all genocides ever perpetrated. Galust Sahakyan has noted in his speech: “It is not accidental that in the hospitable premises of the House of Representatives of Cyprus the exhibition with the heading ‘Armenian Genocide testimonies in photos and documentaries” is solemnly opened. The mission of the big exhibition of these unique photos depicting the great tragedy of cold-bloodedly implemented deportation and extermination towards the Armenians, Pontic Greeks and Assyrians is to brightly keep the lamp of the memory, inform the public and especially the young generation about the awful crimes committed by the Ottoman Empire at the beginning of the past century. Just as agonizing the recollection of these tragic events is, so too is obliging the transformation of the message “Never Again” from generation to generation. This exhibition witnesses by itself that no matter how much time passes, we will remember and demand, as statutory limitations do not apply to crimes against mankind.”

Then Galust Sahakyan addressed his gratitude to the President of the House of Representatives of Cyprus Yiannakis Omirou, the representative of the Armenian community of Cyprus, deputy Vardges Mahtesian, the directorate of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute and to all those who supported the organization of the exhibition.

In his speech the President of the House of Representatives of Cyprus Yiannakis Omirou has noted: “The horrible crimes perpetrated against mankind have not left indifferent the civilized world. In the last decade at the end of the 19th century the international press has criticized that behaviour of Turkey. The publications of the French, Italian, British, American, Russian and Cypriot newspapers presented in this exhibition witness about that. The foreign officials working in the Ottoman Empire informed their governments about those events, and most of them have expressed their claim to the Turkish authorities. Those people’s witnesses, the photos presenting the horrible scenes later were published in the newspapers or memoirs, now they are valuable archive materials, and the vivid evidence of the Turkish heinous barbarities.

Mr Omirou has also documented that Cyprus has not been indifferent towards the Armenian people’s tragedy. Since 1890 numerous publications describing the Turkish atrocities have been regularly published in the Greek press of Cyprus. Some of those publications have been presented in the exhibition. According to the President of the House of Representatives, the Armenian emigrants came to Cyprus at the end of the 19th century. More than ten thousand Armenian emigrants have been easily integrated to the society of Cyprus and gradually have become the Cypriot people’s inseparable part. Since the declaration of the independence of the Republic of Cyprus the religious group has been represented in the Greek Community Assembly, and since 1965 – in the House of Representatives. Then the Head of the Cypriot Parliament has noted that the Republic of Cyprus supports the brotherly Armenian people in recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the international community and restoration of justice.

Let us note that the materials of the exhibition ‘Armenian Genocide Testimonies in Photos and Documentaries’ were provided by the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute.

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