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Speech by the RA NA President Galust Sahakyan at the Opening of the Monument Dedicated to the Armenian Genocide

“Dear friends! The birth of the opening of the monument-drinking fountain on the occasion of the Armenian Genocide Centennial is the unique generalization of the most tragic page of our history. Each of us with some genetic thread, with some part of memory, at least with a distant and slight part of a family tree is connected with that page. This is not only the most tragic page of our history, but a reminder about the history of the most horrible crimes ever perpetrated against mankind.

Naturally, this memorial stone has a symbolic meaning: to eternalize the memory of the millions of victims of the Armenian Genocide, but its essence will not change if it would be dedicated to the memory of at least one victim of the genocide, more precisely, its inner word to the humanity will not be changed, a word, where there is memory, force and faith, and I believe also an call for somberness to all those, who today are obsessed with xenophobia and Armenophobia, who still stubbornly do not wish to get rid of the stamp of the genocide perpetrator-criminal, who continue walking out of the path of time and civilization.

Dear friends! The Armenian Genocide Centennial draws a unique border between the crime and humanity, a border between the past and future, a border between the history and memory.

However, if in case of crime and humanity the thing is about the dividing lines, then in other cases the border is of uniting importance: efforts and convictions, feelings and reason, uniting tenderheartedness and realis m, people and destinies, thought and actions.

This memorial stone, besides being a memory of the past, is a message to future, a message from the revived people who had not lost perseverance and optimism, and had victories after the genocide that we not only remember and demand, but we can, we are obliged to be strong and developed and with that at least demand recognition and condemnation, demand but not expect. Today, those 100 trees being planted are not also a memory, but trust towards future, a firm evidence of remaining adherent to the continuous tradition of building victories.”

Alen Simonyan Receives U.S. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to RA Kristina Kvien
On June 10, the RA NA President Alen Simonyan received the U.S. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Armenia Kristina Kvien.The security situation in the South Caucasus, the process of the Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations, the problems of the return of Armenian prisoners ...

31 items included on the draft agenda of regular sittings to be convened on June 11
On June 10, the sitting of the NA Council was held. The RA NA President Alen Simonyan presided over it.The drafts on making addenda to the agenda of the NA seventh session of the eighth convocation and on the agenda of the regular sittings to be convened on June 11 were debated and approved. The seq...

In case of improvement of health, it will be possible to be included again in pension accumulation system
According to the current regulations, when a person falls ill with the list of diseases defined by the Government, he applies and receives all the money he has accumulated, and then, in case of health improvement, does not have the opportunity to be reinstated in the pension accumulation system. Wit...

Legislative initiatives debated in second reading endorsed in Committee
At June 10 extraordinary sitting of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs, two legislative initiatives were debated in the second reading. As the Chairman of the RA State Revenue Committee Rustam Badasyan presented, it is proposed by the draft law on Gaming Activity Regulation and the package o...

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