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First Session of the Organizing Committee of the IPA CIS Forum of Regions is Held
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On April 20 in Moscow the first session of the Organizing Committee of the IPA CIS Forum of Regions was held, which was moderated by the Chairperson of the RF FA Federal Council Valentina Matvienko. On behalf of the Armenian side the Deputy Chairman of the RA NA Standing Committee on Territorial Management and Local Self-Government Araik Hovhannisyan took part in the session.

During the session of the Organizing Committee the concept of the IPA CIS Forum of Regions was discussed and approved. It is designed to hold the Forum in Russia in the second half of 2016.

Let us note that the goal of the Forum is the full development of the cross-regional cooperation, the activation of the mutually beneficial economic relations and the strengthening of the friendly and partnership relations between the countries of the IPA CIS Region. It is designed that the high-ranking officials of the IPA CIS member countries, representatives from the territorial and local self-government bodies will take part in the Forum. The legal aspects of the cross-regional cooperation, promoting cross-border ties, bilateral and multi-lateral formats and other issues will be under discussion.

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