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Congratulatory Message by the NA President Galust Sahakyan on Liberation Day of Shushi and Victory and Peace Day
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The message reads:

“Dear compatriots, I cordially congratulate you on Liberation Day of Shushi and Victory and Peace Day.

Year by year our victories become past in terms of time, however, they are more evaluated and direct to new victories.

The liberation of Shushi is the birth of combining the Armenian military art and spiritual capabilities, which means, that for winning with weapon, liberating and defending the motherland we should always keep the Motherland, our inner world rich and powerful. Our victories of all times both in the times of Hayk and Tigran the Great, during the World War II and Artsakh liberation war were born due to the force of our united arms.

The victories and the achievement of freedom mean victory campaign of love towards our will, values and motherland. Nobody gives freedom as a present: it is achieved, and it is won, very often at the price of life. It was like that 70 years ago, when with our ancestors' participation the victory against German fascism was won, it was like that 20 years ago, when with the hands of peers Shushi was liberated from Azerbaijani fascism. Time has a huge power, but it is not unlimited, because it yields the human memory. We never forget the soldier, freedom fighter and volunteer who fought and won victories in different times and different battles.

Dear compatriots, we have victories without violating anyone's peace or freedom, because due to the pages of our history we know very well the price of peace and freedom. Freedom and peace can be lost by being defeated not only in war or in battle, but also regularly being in recirculation, approaching the borderline of loss with that. The victory of Shushi, the victory won in the World War II oblige us and make us seek and reach new victories not only in the field of war. They oblige and make us not only always move, but do it together and consolidated.

On the occasion of May victories I would like to especially congratulate the veterans of Artsakh war, our soldiers ensuring today's peace and security and wish them health, optimism and welfare. Let the peace and success always accompany our people and country.”

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