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Sessions of the IPA CIS Permanent Commissions are Held
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On May 13-15 in Saint Petersburg the sessions of the Permanent Commissions of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Member Nations of the Commonwealth Independent States were held.

The Deputy Chairman of the RA NA Standing Committee on Territorial Management and Local Self-government Araik Hovhannisyan and the NA deputy Armen Avetisyan took part in the works of the session of the Permanent Commission on Study of the State-building and the Local Self-government.

The MPs and the experts discussed the model draft laws of the territorial administration and local self-government. The Commission members were informed about the draft Convention of inter-regional cooperation of the CIS member nations, the preparatory procedure of the forum of the regions of the member nations, the draft Convention of the stable and secure development of the IPA CIS member nations, the concept of their legislative bases, the proposals of the model perspective programme for 2011-2015 and for 2016-2020.

The Secretary of the PAP Faction Vahe Enfiajyan took part in the session of the Permanent Commission on Economy and Finances. Conventions on cooperation between the CIS member nations in the spheres of using the intelligence and universe space for peaceful purposes, the model laws were considered, as well as other issues regarding the activities of the Commission.

A decision was made to hold the next session in October or in November.

The members of the Armenian Delegation made interpellations and a number of proposals at the sessions of the Commissions.

Let us note that the Deputy General Secretary of the IPA CIS Council, the RA NA Representative to the IPA CIS Hayk Chilingaryan took part in the sessions of the Commissions.

Within the framework of the visit the members of the Commissions were in Kronstadt region of Saint Petersburg, where they met with the representatives of the community council and got acquainted with the peculiarities of the local self-government model.

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