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Welcoming Remarks by the RA NA President Galust Sahakyan at the International Conference Dedicated to the 85th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Scientific Research Institute of Spa Treatment and Physical Medicine

“I congratulate the Staff of the Scientific Research Institute of Spa Treatment and Physical Medicine on the 85th Anniversary of the establishment of the institution.

During its functioning the specialists of the Institute, among them there were few famous scientists-doctors known among the international community, who succeeded to decently implement their mission, shape and advance the local spa treatment, study and scientifically present the existing capabilities and its features in this sphere. It was also due to the activities of the Institute that our spa treatment zones were formed and nowadays enjoyed international fame, such as Arzni, Jermuk, Dilijan, Hankavan, other curative-rehabilitation zones with their not less famous mineral waters.

The scientific, research material worked out at the Institute has always been accompanied by its practical use. Since the first days of 1988 Spitak disastrous earthquake rehabilitation projects and events for the disaster-affected population has been elaborated and implemented, and due to which many and many citizens got rid of the injuries.

The Staff of the Institute, using its entire mental potential and technical possibilities, came out of another destined trial with great responsibility and honour, organizing rehabilitation medical aid to the soldiers and volunteers wounded by attacking enemy during the Artsakh heroic liberation struggle.

Nowadays, the new realities proposed new research, applied challenges for the specialists of the Institute turned into a scientific and practical center for regenerative medicine and ecology. And staying devoted to their traditions of decades they continue their activities of human health maintenance, formation and investment of healthy living standards, elaboration and use of the ecologically secure healthy technologies in harmony with modern demands and international criteria.

Today the Scientific Research Institute of Spa Treatment and Physical Medicine continues to see among its priorities the scientific cooperation, the international integration, deepening the existing former ties, establishing new directions of partnership. The obvious evidence is also the International Conference launching today which is the seventh one and is called for examining the modern viewpoints of rehabilitation in the medicine.

Once again I congratulate the Staff on the occasion of the anniversary and wish the Conference creative and fruitful work,” read the NA President’s welcoming remarks.

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