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On October 5 the Head of Armenia-Sweden Friendship Group of the RA National Assembly Samvel Farmanyan, members of the Group Artak Davtyan, Tevan Poghosyan, Aram Manukyan, Tigran Urikhanyan and the NA deputies Naira Karapetyan and Shushan Petrosyan met with Marten Ehnberg, Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden to the RA, Therese Hyden, Director, Deputy Head of Department for Eastern Europe and Central Asia of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Sweden, Mr. Martin Fredriksson, Political desk officer for Armenia, Azerbaijan and Belarus at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Sweden, Martina Quick, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden to Armenia and Georgia attended the meeting.

Welcoming the guests, the Head of Armenia-Sweden Friendship Group Samvel Farmanyan highlighted the activation of the inter-parliamentary dialogue for the development of the relations between the RA NA and the Riksdag of Sweden. He has noted that Armenia is concerned about the deepening of the economic, cultural, political ties between the two countries.

During the meeting the interlocutors highlighted the further boosting of the cooperation in the inter-parliamentary organizations, as well as the cooperation in the context of the Eastern Partnership.

The sides touched upon the works of the first joint sitting of the Friendship Groups designed in Stockholm on November 2-3.

The members of Armenia-Sweden Friendship Group thanked the Parliament of Sweden for recognizing and condemning the Genocide ahead of the Armenian Genocide Centennial, as well as the balanced position in the NK settlement. They also touched upon the cases occurred in the Armenian-Azerbaijani border during the recent period and presented the reasons generating them. The members of the Armenian-Swedish Friendship Group have noted that the Azerbaijani authorities very often go for escalation of military actions not only for failing the negotiation process or stemming from the inner political-economic realities, but they are also inspired by the statements which put equation in the issue of the responsibility of the conflicting sides and do not pointedly criticize the party which implements military actions.

The Swedish colleagues thanked the members of Armenia-Sweden Friendship Group for the meeting and assured that the discussions will be continuous. They talked about the cooperation between the women’s organizations and the importance of cooperation in the sphere of culture.

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