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RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov Delivers a Speech in Tavrichesky Palace of Saint Petersburg
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On October 16 the RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov took part in the International Conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the World War II in Tavrichesky Palace of Saint Petersburg, where he delivered a speech, noting particularly:

“Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,

70 years passed after the end of the World War II, which in fact, is considered one of the bloodiest pages of the history of mankind. The war, which took more than 50 million lives, and where 64 countries took part, caused huge sufferings to humanity, which appeared as a result of manifestations of Nazism and xenophobia.

We think that not taking into consideration the negative lessons of the World War I resulted in the eruption of the World War II. It is obvious that the first manifestations of Nazism and fascism occurred not during the World War II, but in the years of the World War I, when in 1915 one and a half million Armenians were annihilated in the Ottoman Empire. The very denial of the Armenian Genocide paved a path for the further revelations of Nazism and fascism.

Despite the fact that already 70 years have passed after the World War II, until now we feel the threat of manifestations of fascism and terrorism. Willingly, an impression is created that we could not learn necessary lessons from the history: its vivid evidence is the inhuman brutalities in the Near East.

Undoubtedly, all of us are concerned about the created situation in the Near East, which occurred as a result of the “Islamic State” terrorists’ actions. We have no right to be separated from all of this, and we should roughly respond all forms of violence, Nazism and terrorism in all points of the planet. We denounce any type of terrorist actions, including the terrorism recently occurred in Ankara, the capital of Turkey. There are no big and small states in the combating darkness, barbarism and hatred.

Unfortunately, we are witnesses of similar negative phenomena also in our region. Despite the fact that Armenia makes all efforts ensuring peace and stability in South Caucasus, until now there are countries in the region, the actions of which are aimed at the establishment of not peace, but they contradict the norms of international law.

In September as a consequence of this policy, peaceful civilians have fallen victims. Those actions contradict the statement signed by the heads of the CSTO member states in Moscow in December of the last year.

Summing up his speech I would like to mention that today additional collective efforts are still needed for the preservation and strengthening of peace, as well as for ensuring the international security. Through combating all forms of Nazism and fascism we can only respect the memory of the victims of the World War II.

The progressive mankind and particularly, the parliamentarians of the CSTO and CIS member states should say their decisive “no” to all forms of fascism, extremism and Nazism, and the condemning statements being voiced by the international community and international organizations should be objective in this connection, and the most important thing is targeting. They will stem from the political, economic and other interests of certain countries. In combating all forms of fascism and Nazism we should act united. There is no other way.”

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