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Debates on the RA Draft State Budget for 2016 Continue
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On November 4 the financial indices allocated to the spheres of the social security by the RA draft law “On the RA State Budget for 2016” were debated at the joint sitting of the NA Standing Committees on Social Affairs and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs moderated by Hakob Hakobyan and Gagik Minasyan respectively.

The RA First Deputy Minister of Finance Pavel Safaryan informed about the expenditures of the social sphere in 2016.

Touching upon the sphere of the pension security, the Minister has noted that the biggest expenditure programme, and it is designed to keep the indices defined in 2015.

Referring to the sphere of the social support, Artem Asatryan has informed that the investment of the social service system will continue prevailing in 2016.

In 2016 the compensation of the deposits invested in the former USSR Savings Bank will continue.

On the same day the joint sitting of the RA NA Standing Committees on Agriculture and Environment and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs moderated by Martun Grigoryan and Gagik Minasyan respectively was held.

The RA First Deputy Minister of Finance Pavel Safaryan presented the allocations of the spheres of agriculture and environment by the draft state budget for 2016. He touched upon the sums being provided to the sphere of environment.

The RA Minister of Agriculture Sergo Karapetyan thoroughly introduced the budgetary and credit programmes to be implemented with the allocations of the state budget for 2016.

The RA Minister of Nature Protection Aramayis Grigoryan noted that 17 programmes were designed to be implemented in 2016 instead of 19 envisaged in 2015.

The Chairman of the State Committee of Water Economy Aram Harutyunyan touched upon the achievements of the sphere and the programmes to be implemented and noted that eleven programmes would be implemented next year.

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