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Parliament Debates Draft Laws Relating to the RA Administrative-Territorial Division and a Number of Agreements at the Extraordinary Sitting
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On November 12 the RA National Assembly continued the work of the extraordinary sitting, passing by voting the draft laws debated at the previous sitting.

The deputies continued debating the package of bills “On Amending the RA Administrative-Territorial Division,” “On Amending the RA Law on Local Self-Government” and the bills enclosed in it.

The Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Territorial Administration and Local Self-Government Stepan Margaryan presented the endorsement of the Committee.

The deputies Aram Manukyan, Khosrov Harutyunyan, Hovhannes Margaryan, Edmon Marukyan, Heghine Bisharyan submitted their viewpoints on the package.

The NA Deputy Speaker Hermine Naghdalyan delivered an extraordinary speech on the legislative package and highlighted it under debate.

The NA Factions (the Head of the ARF Armen Rustamyan, the Head of the ANC Levon Zurabyan, the member of the Prosperous Armenia Mikayel Melkumyan) presented their positions.

Stepan Margaryan and the RA First Deputy Minister of the Territorial Administration and Emergency Situations Vache Terteryan in their speeches touched upon the interpellations sounded in the deputies’ speeches and gave clarifications, and presented the necessity in the new administrative-territorial division.

A number of agreements submitted by the RA President were debated.

The RA Deputy Minister of Transport and Communication Artur Arakelyan submitted for debate in the parliament the Agreement Letter On Amending the Loan Agreement /Special Operations/ on North-South Road Corridor Investment Program /Project 2/ between the Republic of Armenia and Asian Development Bank on May 30, 2011 signed the Republic of Armenia and Asian Development Bank on January 21, 2014 and June 11, 2014.

The member of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Shirak Torosyan and presented the endorsement of the Committee, as well as Lernik Aleksanyan presented the endorsement of the NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs.

Afterwards the deputies debated the Framework Agreement On Provision of Concessional Loans to the Republic of Armenia by the People’s Republic of China between the Government of the Republic of Armenia and the People’s Republic of China signed in Beijing on March 25, 2015, which submitted the RA Deputy Minister of Finance Vakhtang Mirumyan.

The protocol On Making Amendments to the Agreement of June 18, 2004 on Mutual Protection of Secret Information within the framework of the CSTO signed in Moscow on December 19, 2012, submitted by the First Deputy Director of the National Security Service adjunct to RA Government Arzuman Harutyunyan, was debated.

The RA Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Areg Galstyan presented the Agreement on Cooperation in the Nuclear Field between the RA Government and the RF Government signed in Yerevan on December 2, 2013.

The RA Minister of Agriculture Sergo Karapetyan presented the item of ratifying the Agreement on Creation of the International Organization Vine and Wine /OIV/ signed by the RA in Paris on April 3, 2001.

The Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Artak Zakaryan presented the endorsement of the Committee on the agreements.

The RA Deputy Minister of Healthcare Vahan Poghosyan presented the Framework Agreement between the Republic of Armenia and the Global Fund to Fight AIDs, Tuberculosis and Malaria signed on June 30, 2015 and on July 7, 2015.

The member of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Naira Karapetyan voiced the endorsement of the Committee.

Areg Galstyan presented the Financial Contract on Caucasian Electricity Transmission Network signed between the RA and European Investment Bank on March 16, 2015.

The Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Artak Zakaryan and the member of the NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Khosrov Harutyunyan presented the endorsements of the Committee on the Financial Contract.

The RA Deputy Chairman of the State Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science Vardan Sahakyan presented the Agreement on the Establishment of ICRANet Centre in the Republic of Armenia between the RA and the International Network of Centers for Relativistic Astrophysics signed in Rome on February 13, 2015.

The member of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Samvel Farmanyan informed the parliament about the endorsement of the Committee.

At the end of the sitting the NA Deputy Speaker Hermine Naghdalyan informed that under the Article 61 of the law NA Rules of Procedure the voting of the debated items will be held tomorrow, on November 13 at 11:00.

One more extraordinary sitting will be convened at the initiative of the RA Government immediately after the end of the extraordinary sitting.

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