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Meeting at the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations
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On November 17 the Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Artak Zakaryan received Reinhard Krumm, Head of the Central and Eastern Europe Department of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES)/Fund, Dietmar Dirmoser, Head for the Central Asia and South Caucasus Division and Julia Bläsius, Regional Director of the FES South Caucasus Office.

Welcoming the guests, Artak Zakaryan highlighted the friendly relations established between the parliamentarians of Armenia and Germany, in that issue also the support of the FES.

At the guests’ request, Artak Zakaryan talked about the foreign policy of Armenia, touching upon the relations of Armenia with the Eastern Partnership member states, Armenia’s membership to the EEC, as well as the possible perspectives of the cooperation with the EU. Mr Zakaryan presented the expectations of the EEC economic opportunities, the RA participation and the economic integration.

Artak Zakaryan touched upon the relations of Armenia with Azerbaijan, noting that unlike Azerbaijan, Armenia is the supporter and guarantor for the settlement of peace in the region. The sides also talked about the Karabakh problem, underlined that it is important not only for Armenia, but also for the region, having as a basis the indisputable principle of the right to self-determination.

Artak Zakaryan also presented the situation at the border and the continuous violations of the ceasefire by Azerbaijan. It has been noted that the international organizations should not unduly intervene the negotiation process, but they will promote the formation of the peaceful and reliable atmosphere between the societies. The Committee Chairman proposed to take into consideration this important problem in the upcoming programmes of the Fund.

Reinhard Krumm thanked Artak Zakaryan for the reception and presented the foreign policy of Germany and referred to the regional security issues. Mr Krumm noted that, unlike “the cold war,” now the countries should be more supportive for the solution through peaceful means. They are also for that, and in this context they wish to listen to the voice of Armenia and make it audible.

The guests emphasized the perspectives of the society’s development and noted that Armenia’s adopted policy in that issue is very peculiar. The inter-connection of the economy and the system of values will be a good opportunity for Armenia in terms of the regional development.

Artak Zakaryan congratulated the guests on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Armenia, wishing them new successes.

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