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Debate on the State Budget of the Coming Year Continue at the NA Four-Day Sittings
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On November 18 the National Assembly continued the work of the four-day sittings, by voting passing the draft law “On Amending the RA Law Rules of Procedure” debated extraordinarily at the previous sitting by the NA Heritage Faction.

By the proposal of the NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan the deputies welcomed the pupils and the teachers of the Secondary Schools of Tumanyan, Marts, Karinj Communities of Lori Marz, who were observing the sitting.

The MPs continued to debate the RA draft law “On the RA State Budget for 2016.”

The NA deputies Lyudmila Sargsyan, Hovhannes Margaryan, Hrant Bagratyan, Stepan Demirchyan, Vahe Hovhannisyan, Vahan Babayan, Edmon Marukyan, Ishkhan Khachatryan, Artashes Geghamyan, Khosrov Harutyunyan, Mher Shahgeldyan, Zaruhi Postanjyan, Manvel Badeyan, Gurgen Arsenyan and Artsvik Minasyan continued to present their viewpoints on the draft state budget.

Taking the advantage given by the NA Rules of Procedure, the members of the RA Government also delivered speeches.

The RA Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Artem Asatryan introduced the defense expenditures of the social sphere for 2016.

The RA Minister of Economy Karen Chshmaritian briefly presented the programmes to be implemented in the sphere and the prior directions of the Government.

The RA Minister of Justice Arpine Hovhannisyan introduced the programmes and directions of military importance of the sphere and underlined that the reforms of the RA Government would be of continuous character.

The RA Minister of Agriculture Sergo Karapetyan has noted that in the created situation the RA Government takes new steps for the development of the agriculture.

The debates on the state budget will continue at November 19 sitting of the National Assembly.

In accordance with the law the NA Rules of Procedure, at the last sitting the members of the Government answered the deputies’ questions.

The debates on the state budget will continue at November 19 sitting of the National Assembly.

In accordance with the law the NA Rules of Procedure, at the last sitting the members of the Government answered the deputies’ questions.

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