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Galust Sahakyan Awards the Staff Members of the Puppet Theatre
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On November 20 on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Yerevan Hovhannes Tumanyan State Puppet Theatre the RA NA President Galust Sahakyan awarded a group of staff members.

Lusine Khachatryan, Samson Movsesyan, Aghasi Melkonyan and Karen Khachatryan were awarded the RA National Assembly Diplomas, and Inna Hakhnazaryan, Liana Nikoghosyan and Liana Arestakyan – the Letters of Appreciation of the RA National Assembly President.

Congratulating those awarded, Galust Sahakyan has noted that the theatre is the pledge of the nation’s cultural development, and the Puppet Theatre is the school of formation of our children and value of systems. According to the NA President, the eternal works by Hovhannes Tumanyan, Derenik Demirchyan, Ghazaros Aghayan and others become immortal in the Puppet Theatre, becoming reachable for the children.

The Director of the Puppet Theatre Ruben Babayan thanked Galust Sahakyan in the name of the Staff of the Theatre and presented him the statuette of the Invincible Rooster, the symbol of the Theatre bearing Hovhannes Tumanyan’s name.

Working Discussion in Dilijan
The two-day working discussion of the draft law On Legal Assistance with Criminal Proceedings and on the theme The processes of the implementation of the inner-state procedures stemming from the ratification of the Statute of the International Criminal Court and the adoption of the relevant legislat...

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