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RA National Assembly Received 731 Letters during the Fourth Quarter of 2015

According to the Law on "The Order of Consideration of Citizens’ Proposals, Applications and Complaints", the General Section of the RA National Assembly Secretariat announces the brief information for the fourth quarter results of letter considerations for 2015.

The citizens’ 158 letters have been accepted, registered and delivered to the NA Speaker, 45 letters have been delivered to the NA Deputy Speakers. The NA Speaker and the Deputy Speakers have answered all the letters.

357 letters have been delivered to the NA Standing Committees: all of them have been answered. The citizens’ 150 letters have been delivered to the NA Factions: all of them have been answered.

18 letters have been addressed to the Staff of the National Assembly: all of them have been answered, and 3 letters have also been addressed to the NA Speaker’s Staff: all of them have been answered.

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