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Galust Sahakyan Has a Farewell Meeting with the Ambassador of Georgia to Armenia
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On February 17, the RA NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan had a farewell meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia to Armenia Tengiz Sharmanashvili, who completes his diplomatic mission in Armenia.

The RA NA Speaker effectively assessed the Ambassador’s work in our country and noted the solution of the debated problems during many meetings promoted the progress of the Armenian-Georgian cooperation. Galust Sahakyan expressed hope that in future both the cooperation between the two states and the relations between the parliaments of the friendly countries will further enliven.

Thanking the Speaker for the reception, Tengiz Sharmanashvili highlighted the cooperation between the parliaments of the friendly countries and noted that during his tenure he had given great place to the restoration, development and progress of that cooperation.

The Ambassador expressed his gratitude to the Speaker of the RA National Assembly and the RA NA deputies for their support shown during his activities and stated that leaving Armenia he will continue remaining the Armenian people’s faithful friend.

Galust Sahakyan wished Tengiz Sharmanashvili new successes in his further activities.

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