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NA Regular Four-day Sittings Begin
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On February 22, the RA National Assembly began the work of the regular four-day sittings.

The NA Deputy Speaker introduced the draft laws of the agendas of the session and the four-day sittings, as well as the decision on postponing a number of draft laws. The parliament by voting approved the draft laws of the agendas and the NA draft decision on the special procedure of the debate of the issue of the election of the RA Human Rights Defender.

Afterwards the parliament by voting ratified the Loan Agreement Life Road Network Improvement Project Additional Financing signed between the Republic of Armenia and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development on August 26, 2015 submitted by the RA President debated at the previous four-day sittings.

Then the deputies began debating the issue of the election of the RA Human Rights Defender (HRD).

The Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Hovhannes Sahakyan informed that the Committee proposed Arman Tatoyan's candidacy in the position of the HRD. Hovhannes Sahakyan expressed confidence that Arman Tatoyan could fully implement the problems and functions being proposed to the HRD. Afterwards the Committee Chairman presented the HRD candidate Arman Tatoyan's biography, education, the working path and the scientific-pedagogical activities.

In his speech Arman Tatoyan noted that the conceptual approaches and principles, the implementation of which will give opportunity to more raise the state of the protection of rights in Armenia. According to him, the protection of the human rights and fundamental freedoms is one of the most sensible and most important spheres of every state, which can have direct influence on the development of the country, as well as the protection of every person. According to Arman Tatoyan, the activity directed to the protection of rights, is full of challenges, which constantly get changed, demanding new approaches.

In the word of the HRD candidate, to reach success in the protection of human rights hard work and cooperated work with all participants of the legal system is necessary.

By Arman Tatoyan's formulation, as a state official, the HRD should keep absolute fairness and implement his functions in the conditions of justice and equality.

He also highlighted the HRD's cooperation with the civil societies, parliaments and judicial power.

The NA deputies addressed numerous questions to the HRD candidate, which related to the position of the HRD candidate in the report on March 1 cases, the possible cases of political persecution in Armenia, the legislative gaps existing in the sphere, the procedures of judicial and extra-judicial procedures, the problems in the sphere of protection of the consumers' rights, the destruction of the building recognized as public prior interest, the amendment of the RA law on the HRD, the participation of Mr Tatoyan, as Deputy Authorized Representative of the RA Government in the ECHR in the examination of the cases on Armenia, the cooperation being expected with the parliament and other issues. Arman Tatoyan highlighted the joint work and the constructive cooperation in recording effective achievements in the sphere.

The NA deputies Margarit Yesayan, Ruzanna Muradyan, Hovhannes Margaryan, Zaruhi Postanjyan, Vahan Babayan, Naira Zohrabyan, Karen Bekaryan, Naira Karapetyan, Mikayel Melkumyan, Nikol Pashinyan, Elinar Vardanyan, Edmon Marukyan and Vahe Enfiajyan delivered speeches on the HRD candidate.

The National Assembly will continue the debate of the issue at February 23 sitting.

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