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RA National Assembly President Galust Sahakyan’s Congratulatory Message on World Theatre Day
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The RA NA President’s congratulatory message reads:

“Dear representatives of theatrical art and theatrical world, I congratulate you on World Theatre Day!

The Armenian Theatre is the part not only of our culture, but also of our history. Overcoming different phases of establishing, forming, passing through different periods, and as a result, representing itself continuously with dignity in Armenia and beyond its borders: in the hardest conditions it has even preserved the ability of directly speaking with the audience, in fact, both in the languages of the classics and modern artists. And all that due to the representatives of theatrical art, due to the faith that the stage director has towards the actors and their talent, due to the love that the actors have towards stage and audience, due to the uncomplaining work that is done outside the stage, including the directing of the performance through the people providing the activity of the theatrical staff, and certainly, due to the spectator faithful to the theatre.

Our victories are also created inside the walls of the theatre, being fed by the energy that reaches the spectator from the performance, with the spirit that passes from the stage to the hall and becomes victory bringing force, turns to faith and love towards the Motherland and to each other.

Preserving the traditions and developing them, the modern theatre also seeks new ways of communication with the spectator. At present, our theatre creates qualified artistic product, which includes multi-genre projects and interesting ideas, and certainly, an uninterrupted work. Today, on World Theatre Day, some are on the stage, some are handed awards, some write a new play, some do rehearsal of the performance, that is, everything is done, and all these theatrical events, taking place in different places, complete in the panorama of the full theatrical life of Armenia.

Once again on the occasion of World Theatre Day I wish you health, welfare, inexhaustible energy and new creative successes.”

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