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RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov Has a Telephone Conversation with Sergey Narishkin
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On April 7, the Head of the RA NA Delegation to the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly, the RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov had a telephone conversation with the Chairman of the CSTO Parliamentary Council, the Speaker of the RF State Duma Sergey Narishkin.

The parties discussed the situation on the Karabakh-Azerbaijani Line of Contact, considered inadmissible the efforts of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement through military means.

The NA Deputy Speaker has noted that the actions by the Azerbaijani side are obvious aggression towards the Nagorno Karabakh people. Edurard Sharmazanov condemned the announcements supporting the Azerbaijan’s terrorist policy by Turkey. The Head of the RA NA Delegation to the CSTO PA has underlined that in this situation it is more than important that the international community make targeting and condemning statements.

Eduard Sharmazanov has noted that despite the reached agreement, the adversary has undertaken subversive and reconnaissance operations in the northeastern direction of the Line of Contact between the Karabakh-Azerbaijani conflicting forces during the night of April 6-7.

In his turn the Speaker of the RF State Duma has stated that the Russian Federation as one of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries is concerned over the peaceful settlement of the NK problem within the Minsk Group format.

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