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Joint Statement by the Standing Committees on State and Legal Affairs of the RA and NKR Parliaments
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The Standing Committees on State and Legal Affairs of the RA and NKR Parliaments disseminated joint statement concerning the crimes against humanity as a consequence of large-scale military operations against Artsakh implemented by Azerbaijan on April 2-5 

On 2-5 April 2016, having grossly violated the trilateral agreement on ceasefire (between Artsakh, Azerbaijan, and Armenia), signed in May 1994, Azerbaijan openly violated the rules of international law with the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare. The main target of the attack was the civilian population on the border and the hinterland. From a variety of weapons under its arsenal (MM-21 Grad and the multiple launch rocket system Smerch, artillery ordnance of various caliber (including 152-mm guns) Heavy Flamethrower TOS-1A system, attack helicopters Mi-24, tanks and other armored vehicles (assault drones), the Azerbaijani army subjected to rocket and artillery shelling a number of NKR settlements, killing and wounding civilians, including children, women and the elderly people. For security reasons, the civilians of the settlement Talish, Mataghis, Martakert have been evacuated. There is abundant evidence of the atrocities and inhuman violent actions of the Azerbaijani army against the peaceful population of Artsakh. 

There are all the reasons in place to believe that mercenary terrorists were involved in the Azerbaijani army. 

The aggression carried out by Azerbaijan against the Republic of Artsakh, is an international crime against peace and humanity. 

During those same days the NKR Defense Army has taken the biggest blow, protecting the civilian population of Artsakh from Azerbaijani aggression, having used necessary means available in its arsenal to prevent the large-scale military attack, thus adequately performing the role of guarantor of its own people's security. 

The Standing Committees on State and Legal Affairs of the NKR and RA Parliaments declare that they are determined to study the abovementioned crimes, the consequences of the Azerbaijani aggression and present the results in the prescribed manner to the international community. 

President of Inter-Parliamentary Union Tulia Ackson welcomes the participants of the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
On September 12, the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union started in Yerevan.The President of Inter-Parliamentary Union Tulia Ackson welcomed the participants of the Conference.“I am deeply honoured to address you today at the 10th Global Conference of Yo...

Speech by Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Martin Chungong at 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians
During the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Martin Chungong, in his opening remarks welcoming the attendees, noted that their three-year dream has come true.“As of today Armenia is the youngest parlia...

10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of Inter-Parliamentary Union. live stream
The live stream of the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union....

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