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RA NA Delegation Meets with the Vice-Marshal of the Sejm in Poland
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On April 14, the Delegation, composed of the Head of RA NA deputy, the NA Armenia-Poland Friendship Group Hovhannes Sahakyan, and led by the RA NA Vice President Eduard Sharmazanov met with the Vice-Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland Ryszard Terlecki in the city of Poznań.

Welcoming the guests the Vice-Marshal of the Sejm thanked the Armenian Delegation for taking part in the events dedicated to the 1050th anniversary of the adoption of Christianity in Poland. Mr Terlecki highly assessed the Polish-Armenian friendship and expressed hope that it will continuously develop. The Vice-Marshal of the Sejm also informed that the works of the creation of Poland-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group had already begun, and the result will be visible soon.

The RA NA Vice President Eduard Sharmazanov thanked his Polish colleague for the warm reception. Speaking about the Christian system of values Eduard Sharmazanov has documented that the Republic of Armenia is its propagator, and the maintenance and the strengthening of those values have no alternative. In this context the RA Parliament Vice President presented to his Polish colleague the details of the military aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan since April 1 and continued for four days. Eduard Sharmazanov especially noted that the atrocities committed by the Azerbaijani armed forces completely remind the work style of the ISIS: particularly, there were the corpses' dismemberments and beheading, as well as the civilians' murders in their houses. The shelling in the direction of schools also took a child’s life. The RA NA Vice President reminded the Vice-Marshal of the Sejm about thousands of destroyed cross-stones by official Azerbaijan.

Talking about the Armenian and Polish peoples’ friendship, Eduard Sharmazanov has particularly noted that the friendship and the cooperation are of centuries old history and create good basis for comprehensive development of the inter-state relations of the two countries.

The RA NA Vice President has assured that the Armenian Parliament greatly highlights the Armenian-Polish cooperation not only in bilateral, but also in multilateral format. In this context Eduard Sharmazanov especially underlined the development of constructive cooperation between the representatives of the parliaments of the two friendly countries within the framework of the international parliamentary assemblies.

At the end of the meeting Eduard Sharmazanov conveyed numerous materials proving the atrocities committed by the Azerbaijani armed forces.

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