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Eduard Sharmazanov’s Speech in the Conference Titled “The Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation for the Sake of the Joint Welfare of the Eurasian Regional Countries in the 21st Century”
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On April 19, the RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov being in the Russian Federation on a working visit in Moscow took part in the first conference of the heads of the parliaments of the Eurasian countries titled “The Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation for the Benefit of the Joint Welfare of the Eurasian Regional Countries in the 21st Century.” The NA Deputy Speaker delivered a speech, particularly noting:

“Distinguished attendees, our meeting takes place in the hard conditions of finding ends over a number of fundamental problems.

I would like to draw your attention to the NK conflict, where during the night of April 1-2 the Azerbaijani side carried out large-scale provoking military operations along the whole Line of Contact, using the whole complex of armaments, including the banned military equipment, which resulted in numerous casualties also among the civilians. The large-scale attack unleashed by Azerbaijan on Nagorno Karabakh violates the trilateral unlimited-term agreement of 1994 on the ceasefire and termination of military operations signed by Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh, as well as the agreement on strengthening ceasefire regime of 1995.

Such criminal provocation shows that Azerbaijan puts itself out of international law, rejects the calls of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries, as well as the international community on non-use of force and confidence-building measures. Azerbaijan, as an initiator of the growth of this tension and bears the whole responsibility of the escalation of the situation. Here Turkey’s one-sided, criminal position, which evidently defends and encourages such inhuman actions is extremely dangerous. All this shows that Turkey continues remaining one of the threats for the regional stability.

Dear Colleagues,

The Republic of Armenia is based on the universal principles and norms of international law, giving priority to the diplomatic methods of conflict settlement and the principles of peaceful settlement of crisis situations.

We suppose that our colleagues will raise their voice of protest against the military settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. We shall realize that the Nagorno Karabakh people have the right to live peacefully, freely and independently like the citizens of the states of the Eurasian region. Thus, the Artsakh people responded “No pasaran” to Azerbaijan’s aggression.

We call on everybody to fight unitedly against darkness, barbarism, and hatred. The international community shall consolidate efforts for eradicating terrorism and the circumstances borne from that.

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