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Message by the RA National Assembly President Galust Sahakyan on Remembrance Day of the Armenian Genocide Victims
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The NA President’s message reads:

“Dear compatriots, today is the regular anniversary of one of the most tragic page of our people’s history, 1915 Armenian Genocide, which is a continuous reminder to everybody and continuous demand from everybody, a reminder on the fact that more than a century ago a gravest crime directed to mankind took place; and a demand that the justice still awaits for its inevitable hour.

More than hundred years ago in Ottoman Turkey an organized crime borne from xenophobia at state level was perpetrated towards Armenians, which is not only still punished, but an attempt is made to justify it through denialism. However, this is the very case, when the crime has no statute of limitations, when the memory does not become shorter by the influence of time, when in course of time the justice becomes more demanding. The 1915 Armenian Genocide was the climax of the Armenophobia, a phenomenon, which is today laid in the basis of the state policy of both Turkey and its godchild and sponsor Azerbaijan. The Anti-Armenianism is the certain manifestation of xenophobia against one nation, Armenians by the Turkish authorities, who are those who actively support and encourage also today not only in our region. The mania of committing violent acts, massacres and carrying out deportations by which at present different terrorist groups are guided, have become a threat of committing nowadays genocides. Meanwhile, if the Armenian Genocide were condemned with its authors and consequences fundamentally and without imposing upon geopolitical interests, then that threat would not exist; the genocides committed following the Armenian Genocide with other, more modern methods, but without change of handwriting, with the drive of the same inhumane instinct would be prevented. The brutalities committed at the end of the last century on the basis of xenophobia took place in the present Azerbaijan's cities of Baku and Sumgait full of Armenians, when the Azerbaijani organized mob killed or subjected to violence the citizens of Armenian origin, when in the village of Maragha of Nagorno Karabakh Republic the Azerbaiajani army massacred almost the whole population, when a few days ago the same army with the supporting mercenary, with more remote goals again in the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, repeated the same 'handwriting' towards the civilians: children and elderly people. These are cases that together with the 1915 Armenian Genocide should not be only condemned in the form of the strongest punishment, judgment; otherwise the best Conventions and the theses on human rights remain on the paper, the history in the role of recorder, and the international community of the one who condemns from the distance.

Dear compatriots, we shall not ask or expect condemnation and recognition of the Armenian Genocide, but we shall drive the international community to such attitude. We shall do it continuously more organized, becoming a stronger country, showing our togetherness in practice and not only in war times or at the moment of danger, what we once again showed a few days ago, but also in peaceful days. We were able to oppose the culture of living and winning to the culture of genocide characteristic to the essence of our inimical and intolerant neighbour, which is the pledge of our force. We shall continue to confidently live and traditionally win. That will the best trump in the moral and legal plane on the way of the universal recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide, and our compulsion to all those, who hesitate or manoeuvre in that process, who still think that through genocide it will be possible and it is possible to inhibit the Armenian people's development in the history. We have earned that trump, and we shall distinctly use it today, tomorrow and in the further future, use it in Armenia, in Artsakh and in Diaspora for the benefit of our world spread, but united people.”

Speech by Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Martin Chungong at 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians
During the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Martin Chungong, in his opening remarks welcoming the attendees, noted that their three-year dream has come true.“As of today Armenia is the youngest parlia...

10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of Inter-Parliamentary Union. live stream
The live stream of the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union....

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