On May 24, the Vice President of the Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany Edelgard Bulmahn accompanied by the RA NA Vice President Eduard Sharmazanov visited the Armenian Genocide Memorial Complex of Tsitsernakaberd to pay tribute to the memory of the innocent victims. The guests laid flowers and a wreath at the monument eternalizing the memory of the holy martyrs. Afterwards Mrs Bulmahn visited the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute and got familiarized with the documents ensuring the Armenian people’s tragedy.
At the end of the visit Edelgard Bulmahn left a note in the Memory Book of Honourable Guests.
During the talk with the journalists the Vice President of the Bundestag noted: “I am impressed by my visit to the Museum and I am sorry for all suffering that the Armenian people have undergone during those years. I, as a representative of the Bundestag, shall also add the issue of Germany’s responsibility: our parliament tries to express its official attitude on the occurred events and prevent the repetition of similar crimes in that way.”