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Members of RA NA Armenia-Germany Friendship Group Meet with Edelgard Bulmahn
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On May 24, the Head of the RA NA Armenia-Germany Friendship Group Artak Davtyan and members of the Group Karine Atshemyan and Shirak Torosyan met with the Vice President of the Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany Edelgard Bulmahn. The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Germany to Armenia Bernhard Matthias Kiesler also attended the meeting.

Welcoming the Vice President of the Bundestag in parliament Artak Davtyan expressed his gratitude for her position relating to the condemnation of the Armenian Genocide. Talking about the Resolution to be adopted in the Bundestag in the near future, he has noted that the expectations of Armenia are great, as the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide by Germany will open a new page in the recognition process. Armenia expects that Turkey will show such approach in this issue, as Germany has shown regarding the adoption and condemnation of the Holocaust.

Welcoming the guest Karine Atshemyan highlighted the further development and deepening of the Armenian-German educational and cultural ties. Mrs Atshemyan has noted that talking about the Armenian-German friendly relations, Armenia first of all expects unbiased attitude towards its problems. In the deputy’s word, the peoples of Armenia and Artsakh are peace-loving and one can be convinced in it also by visiting Artsakh. Choosing democracy as guideline the peoples of Armenia and Artsakh go on in that path.

Shirak Torosyan thanked Mrs Bulmahn for the work done in the revision of the resolution condemning the Armenian Genocide. He has noted that the German people are ready to adopt that Resolution in the all-human and humanitarian aspect, and it is gladly that the humanism has won. In Mr Torosyan’s word, by condemning the Armenian Genocide Germany will greatly help Turkey, which needs help for overcoming the denialism. Touching upon the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh (NK) conflict, Shirak Torosyan has noted that first of all, we should take into consideration the opinion of the people living on that land: that is the principle of democracy.

The Vice President of the Bundestag of the Federal Republic of Germany Edelgard Bulmahn has noted that her visit to Armenia witnesses to the friendly close relations of the parliaments of the two countries. Referring to the Resolution to be adopted in the Bundestag in future Mrs Bulmahn has documented that Germany should assume its share of responsibility, as in time it could not prevent the ally’s actions. She highlighted the assuming of the historical responsibility by Germany and passing of the truth to the generations. Talking about the original of the Resolution to be adopted, the Vice President of the Bundestag has noted that we shall the spade the spade. Mrs Bulmahn has also noted that Germany will support Armenia and Turkey to face its historical past and go to rapprochement, as today in Turkey people, who have courage to take a step to the rapprochement with Armenia increase. In her word, remembering and honouring the memory of the Genocide victims, these peoples will reach mutual understanding, which is difficult but possible.

Touching upon the settlement of the NK conflict the Vice President of the Bundestag has stated that Germany shares the Minsk Group Co-Chairs’ opinion that this conflict has no military solution. In this context she emphasized the increase of the role of the OSCE Minsk Group in the peaceful settlement process and the use of the control mechanisms on the line of contact. Mrs Bulmahn expressed her fear that in case of not using control mechanisms the situation can be escalated. She has documented that Germany calls on the two countries to once and for all affirm the agreements reached on the ceasefire.

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