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At the Extraordinary Session of the RA National Assembly
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On June 15, the RA National Assembly continued the work of the extraordinary session and by voting passed the legislative initiatives debated on the previous day, and ratified the international agreements. The parliament in the first reading also passed the new Draft Tax Code with 68 for, 21 against and 16 abstained votes.

Afterwards the deputies, ending the debate of the bill on Amendment to the RA law on Protection of Personal Data, began in the first reading debating the legislative package on Amendments to the RA law on the RA Administrative-Territorial Division and on Amendment to the RA law on Local Self-Government, which presented the RA First Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Development Vache Terteryan.

In the Q & A format the NA deputies touched upon the expediency of holding of local referendum in the issue of community enlargement, the efficiency of the enlargement governance, the community development concept, the decrease of resources in the communities, the improvement of the local self-government bodies’ system, the order of the elders’ elections in the communities, on which Mr Terteryan gave clarifications.

The MPs Aram Manukyan, Vahe Enfiajyan, Stepan Margaryan, Lernik Aleksanyan, Mikayel Melkumyan, Hovhannes Margaryan, Araik Hovhannisyan, Edmon Marukyan and Rubik Hakobyan presented their views on the package.

In his extraordinary speech the RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov highlighted the community enlargement programme, which to his assessment will promote the adequate development of the communities.

The representatives of the RA NA ANC (Aram Manukyan) and the RA NA PAP (Naira Zohrabyan) expressed their views on the package.

Vache Terteryan touched upon the deputies’ interpellations and gave clarifications. Summing up the debate the First Deputy Minister has noted that the Government proposes to have more efficient governance system.

The RA First Deputy Minister of the Territorial Administration and Development Vache Terteryan presented the Loan Agreement Gyumri Urban Roads signed between the Republic of Armenia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development on May 11, 2016.

Vache Terteryan answered the deputies’ questions, which related to the situation of the roads, the involvement of the investment grants, the necessity of the effective expenditure of the loan means, the elaboration of the strategy on car parking, the order of choice of the streets under repair, the events aimed at the elimination of the collapses of the sewerage system of the city, the possible change of the city general plan, the poor situation of non main streets of the city, etc.

Naira Karapetyan presented the endorsement of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations and Sukias Avetisyan the one of the NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs.

The debate of the Agreement will continue on June 16: 10 MPs have been registered for delivering speeches.

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