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At RA NA Standing Committee Meeting
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On September 8, the RA NA Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs moderated by Koryun Nahapetyan convened a regular meeting. The draft law on Amendments to the RA Law on Police Service authored by the RA Government was discussed and is to be included in the draft agenda of the 10th Session of the NA 5th convocation and upcoming 4-day sittings with the Committee’s endorsement.

Key reporter, Deputy Chief of the RA Police Vardan Yeghiazaryan, informed that the adoption of the bill is conditioned by encouraging entrance to police educational institution, necessity of more effective police recruitment. Vardan Yeghiazaryan particularly mentioned that the number of applicants for the Police Academy , as well as for the Academy College has recently reduced. The author proposes to define scholarships for the whole period of study for the state order students in police educational institution in the amount of the RA minimum wage and allow recruiting also citizens without police specialization for the middle group posts in the system, leaning on the list of allowed specializations to be defined by the RA Government. According to the Deputy Chief of Police, in case of adoption of this bill by the parliament, it will require 368 mln AMD of annual allocations from the state budget.

Committee members' views on the proposed amendments were not unequivocal: they made various suggestions and remarks which will be thoroughly considered as the key reporter noted in his final speech.

According to the authors, the discussion on the legislative package of the bill on Amendments to the RA Code on Administrative Infringements by Tigran Urikhanyan, the RA Law on Adopting Rescue Service Code and Amendments to the RA Code of Administrative Infringements by the RA Government was delayed up to a year.  

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