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Hermine Naghdalyan: During 25 Years of Independence Armenia Has Occupied Its Worthy Place in the System of Modern International Cooperation
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On September 20, the Armenian Delegation led by the RA NA Deputy Speaker Hermine Naghdalyan took part in the 5th China-Eurasia International Expo: The Joint Contribution, and Shared Benefits, Opportunities and Future of the Silk Road opened in the city of Urumqi of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China .

During five years the Expo has recorded tangible results in the spheres of diplomacy, economy and trade of China , enlarging the borders of participation.

Every year more than 800 Chinese and foreign political and economic leaders, ministers, parliamentarians, other high ranking officials take part in this authoritative international event. This year delegations from 42 countries take part in the event, more than 2000 enterprises are represented with national pavilions and production exhibition. China-Eurasia Expo is a main platform of strategy of the economic zone along Silk Road countries.

China-Eurasia Expo Organizational Committee highlights the cooperation with Armenia and for that end provides a platform for the expansion of cooperation between the Silk Zone countries and Armenia . Within the framework of the Expo being held at China-Eurasia Economic Development and Cooperation Forum only representatives of 5 countries out of multi thousand participants were given an opportunity to make opening remarks as a special guest, including Prime Ministers and Parliament Speakers. That honour was reserved to the RA Deputy Speaker Hermine Naghdalyan from Armenia , who introduced the achievements of 25-year-old history of Armenia ’s Independence , the political weight and economic, geographical, transport and other opportunities of our country, as well as emphasized the Armenian-Chinese centuries-old friendship from the international high tribune.

Observing the Great Silk Road as a communication symbol between the East and the West, Mrs Naghdalyan, in her speech, documented that during the millennia Armenia has been a liking circle between these two parts of the world.

Armenia and China are connected with centuries-old relations of friendship. During the independence Armenia , which today marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of Independence and diplomatic relations, due to the chosen right strategy of reforms and development has occupied its worthy place in the modern international cooperation system,” Hermine Naghdalyan noted.

Armenia and China have reached noticeable successes in the development of bilateral relations. The joint programmes implemented in the spheres of industry, energy, agriculture, science and technique, culture and education prove the existence of bilateral interests,” Mrs Naghdalyan underlined, highlighting in this context the membership of the Republic of Armenia in the Eurasian Economic Union, which corresponds with the strategic, and economic development interests of our country, raising Armenia’s significance also among all its economic partners.

“In terms of Armenian-Chinese economic relations the visit of the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan to China and the signing of a number of most important treaties of cooperation became a great impetus for new and broader opportunities,” Mrs Naghdalyan has reminded, concluding that in these spheres of cooperation Armenia confidently looks forward and is ready to develop the mutually beneficial cooperation by all means.

The members of the Armenian Delegation actively took part in the works of China-Eurasia Expo, took a tour through the pavilions and discussed the possibilities of cooperation with the Armenian companies.

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