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RA Independence Day was Celebrated with Great Grandeur Also in Beijing
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The quarter century of the RA Independence was celebrated with special grandeur at the RA Embassy in China . Foreign diplomats, Officials from the Foreign Ministry of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the RA Former Ambassadors to China , businessmen, students and members of the Armenian community took part in the official reception.

In the guests’ assessment, the event dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of Armenia’s Independence in China was unique with its representative composition and the number of the guests. Ambassador Sergey Manasaryan actively works not only with official circles of the capital, but also with the states and the community.

The Delegation led by the RA NA Deputy Speaker Hermine Naghdalyan being in Beijing during these days was also participating in the official reception organized at the Embassy. Both the Delegation and a part of the reception guests were taking part in China-Eurasia International Expo held in Urumqi and the First Women’s Forum: Opportunities and Challenges in Promoting Women’s Employment and Entrepreneurship . The participants of the event highly assessed the participation of the Armenian Delegation in the Expo and expressed their gratitude to the Armenian Delegation for taking part in the most important event for them.

On behalf of the Delegation and on her own behalf the RA NA Deputy Speaker Hermine Naghdalyan, congratulating RA Independence Day from Beijing, also noted that during the reception she had had an opportunity to talk with the guests from the USA, Russia, Great Britain, Tajikistan, Belarus and other countries, discussing the development of bilateral relations and the Armenian-Chinese relations, the deepening of trade-economic ties, and the perspectives of humanitarian cooperation and interaction themes between women’s NGOs.

The Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, who also attended the Urumqi Forum and Expo; touching upon the work of the Armenian Delegation, he has noted that the presence of the NA Deputy Speaker Hermine Naghdalyan in Urumqi is a great contribution in the deepening of bilateral relations and hence they consider her to be the friend of China in Armenia. The Deputy Minister has underlined that Mrs Naghdalyan’s visits to China are always useful in the cultural, educational, economic spheres and in the programmes relating to the women’s issues. The Ambassador and the NA Deputy Speaker talked about the advancement of the Armenian goods in the Chinese market, the cooperation with the regions/marzes, the opening of the Armenian goods pavilion in the next year’s Expo, the activation of Parliamentary Friendship Groups, the cooperation of the women’s NGOs, gender issues, the educational and joint research programmes.

Let us note that today the meetings of the RA NA Deputy Speaker Hermine Naghdalyan are scheduled with the NA Deputy Speaker of the PRC Parliament and the members of the China-Armenia Friendship Group.

Ruben Rubinyan Receives Ambassador of Sweden to RA
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Concepts of electronic library and cultural, educational, information center will be defined
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