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Speeches by Member of RA NA Delegation to PACE Mikayel Melkumyan During PACE Plenary Session
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“Dear Colleagues,

During the last years the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) of Europe has carried out a rather weighty activity in different counties, including also in the Republic of Armenia. It particularly, more relates to the elaboration of the effective models of the implementation of the economic policy. And in different countries those models logically should be different, as they should take into consideration the peculiarities, conditions, traditions and etc. of every country.

In our republic the elaboration of the development models of the industrial advancement of the construction materials and the policy of the agribusiness development, also the use of the credible model of the small and medium entrepreneurship statistics have been implemented by the Organization.

With all that, we also expect elaboration of pretentious and regional models and substantiation of their localization possibilities from the OECD.

Particularly, we mean goods entrance into new markets, the formation of the laboratories corresponding to standardization and certification and the elaboration of the appropriate policy in elimination of similar obstacles.

Regarding the rise of our relations with the OECD and the cooperation efficiency, then we are concerned over that the OECD implements more inclusive and large-scale programmes in Armenia and in the region, which will be directed at the increase of the export capabilities of the Republic of Armenia and the activation of economic relations with the EU. We especially highlight the use of the regional cooperation possible models, but tell us how we can implement effective cooperation in the region, if Azerbaijan, in reality, is a totalitarian and aggressor state with lifelong President Institute, the fact - the last referendum held there, the fact – the war actions unleashed at the beginning of April along the whole Karabakh-Azerbaijani border.

At the same time, I would like to note that during the very last days Aliyev, in fact, eternalizing his monopolistic power, creates new tensions on the Karabakh-Azerbaijani border. However, nothing happens, as always.

We again warn Aliyev that you are defeated and, first of all, before your people.

Azerbaijan’s power of such quality cannot have serious influence, if we together will not give appropriate political and legal assessment to those actions.

And at the end, I would like to add that we highly assess the OECD activities and, of course, as I already noted we expect that in our region it will expand the borders of cooperation and support.”

At the end of the speech, addressing his word to the OECD Vice President, Mikayel Melkumyan asked about possible solutions they could propose in such post-crisis situation.

On the same day the RA NA deputy Mikayel Melkumyan also delivered a speech on the theme Lessons from “Panama Papers: Restoration of Tax-Credit and Social Justice. He particularly noted:

“Dear Colleagues, at present in the whole world the most serious problem is the incomplete tax policy and the incomes stemming from it, that is, the experience of receiving illegal incomes, the shadow economy, and it also means the illegal expenditures. It results in one evident phenomenon, the formation of injustice and unequal competitive conditions.

Of course, this is not a new phenomenon, but at present through information networks and foreign modern ways it has reached to a new intensifying level with its volumes.

The fighting against this problem, mildly said, is not sufficient, often there is connivance.

Those phenomena are reflected in different ways, and first of all, in so-called, offshore way. Moreover, now other modern means, electronic-programme and banking services are also programmed and noticed.

I think that the solution of these problems should be solved with joint and effective efforts of the international community and states, but how it can take place, if in some countries (for example in Azerbaijan) the heads of the very countries promote it, and for conceiving it they unleash war, as it happened along the entire Karabakh-Azerbaijani conflict line of contact on April 2-5.

Touching upon the offshore and tax problem under debate I will note that here legislative, as well as administrative serious and inter-state events are necessary.

However, there are, of course, always risks connected with offshores, illegal export of capital and then, the so-called re-export.

In this regard the strictest punitive measures are necessary within the framework of the criminal codes and administrative, tax legislation.

The complete provision of information in time and with necessary volume should be in its basis by different states. There are inter-state obligations about this; simply they should be consistently fulfilled.

The activities of financial monetaries and their punitive measures, effective activities of Manival, Greco and Institutes fighting corruption functioning in the Central Bank and other structures also are of special importance. Three main important directions are: corruption fighting aginst monopolies and fair judicial system, human rights.

However, all this should not also impede the free move of legal capital otherwise we shall reduce the investment attractiveness of the countries. Referring to the “Panama Papers,” I will note that a separate chapter is provided for the family members of Azerbaijan’s President, where their connections with the complicated system of the offshore organizations are presented. These documents show that in 2003 the Tax Minister of Azerbaijan Fazil Mamedov created Ata Holding conglomerate with the participation of the Aliyevs’ family members, and the scope of interests of which begins with banking, TV-communication spheres to construction, mining-industrial and oil-gas spheres of the country rich in natural resources.

In Panama Mamedov set up two structures: FM Management Holding Group and UF Universe Foundation, the latter is managing the previous one, and one of the managers is Mehriban Ailyeva. According to “Panama Papers” and Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), in 2006 President Aliyev passed the right of the use of six gold mines to several Azerbaijani organizations, including two offshore organizations which, in reality, belong to Aliyev’s two daughters. The 56% of the British Globex International LLP and the Panama Londex Resources S.A. also belong to Aliyev’s sisters. The 11% and 45% accordinglyof the shares of six gold mines own these organizations.”

On the same day the RA NA deputy Mikayel Melkumyan also delivered a speech on the theme Lessons from “Panama Papers: Restoration of Tax-Credit and Social Justice. He particularly noted:

“Dear Colleagues, at present in the whole world the most serious problem is the incomplete tax policy and the incomes stemming from it, that is, the experience of receiving illegal incomes, the shadow economy, and it also means the illegal expenditures. It results in one evident phenomenon, the formation of injustice and unequal competitive conditions.

Of course, this is not a new phenomenon, but at present through information networks and foreign modern ways it has reached to a new intensifying level with its volumes.

The fighting against this problem, mildly said, is not sufficient, often there is connivance.

Those phenomena are reflected in different ways, and first of all, in so-called, offshore way. Moreover, now other modern means, electronic-programme and banking services are also programmed and noticed.

I think that the solution of these problems should be solved with joint and effective efforts of the international community and states, but how it can take place, if in some countries (for example in Azerbaijan) the heads of the very countries promote it, and for conceiving it they unleash war, as it happened along the entire Karabakh-Azerbaijani conflict line of contact on April 2-5.

Touching upon the offshore and tax problem under debate I will note that here legislative, as well as administrative serious and inter-state events are necessary.

However, there are, of course, always risks connected with offshores, illegal export of capital and then, the so-called re-export.

In this regard the strictest punitive measures are necessary within the framework of the criminal codes and administrative, tax legislation.

The complete provision of information in time and with necessary volume should be in its basis by different states. There are inter-state obligations about this; simply they should be consistently fulfilled.

The activities of financial monetaries and their punitive measures, effective activities of Manival, Greco and Institutes fighting corruption functioning in the Central Bank and other structures also are of special importance. Three main important directions are: corruption fighting aginst monopolies and fair judicial system, human rights.

However, all this should not also impede the free move of legal capital otherwise we shall reduce the investment attractiveness of the countries. Referring to the “Panama Papers,” I will note that a separate chapter is provided for the family members of Azerbaijan’s President, where their connections with the complicated system of the offshore organizations are presented. These documents show that in 2003 the Tax Minister of Azerbaijan Fazil Mamedov created Ata Holding conglomerate with the participation of the Aliyevs’ family members, and the scope of interests of which begins with banking, TV-communication spheres to construction, mining-industrial and oil-gas spheres of the country rich in natural resources.

In Panama Mamedov set up two structures: FM Management Holding Group and UF Universe Foundation, the latter is managing the previous one, and one of the managers is Mehriban Ailyeva. According to “Panama Papers” and Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), in 2006 President Aliyev passed the right of the use of six gold mines to several Azerbaijani organizations, including two offshore organizations which, in reality, belong to Aliyev’s two daughters. The 56% of the British Globex International LLP and the Panama Londex Resources S.A. also belong to Aliyev’s sisters. The 11% and 45% accordinglyof the shares of six gold mines own these organizations.”

Working Discussion in Dilijan
The two-day working discussion of the draft law On Legal Assistance with Criminal Proceedings and on the theme The processes of the implementation of the inner-state procedures stemming from the ratification of the Statute of the International Criminal Court and the adoption of the relevant legislat...

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