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Speech by RA NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan in Debate of RA Draft law on RA State Budget for 2017
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“Before turning to the content of my speech, I would like to thank all the factions and individual deputies of the National Assembly for the concerned, critical and comprehensive debates of the draft state budget for 2017.

The draft state budget reflects the political, social and economic situation existing in the republic and at the same time notes the ways of the development in the coming period. The concerned debates that were held in the National Assembly with the participation of political different forces and individual deputies were conditioned by that very importance.

The analyses of the anti-budgetary main indices being planned in 2017 show that they are rather hopeful and in case of the implementation of the government programme certain preconditions will be created for the provision of the stable rates of the economic growth. In the coming year, particularly, according to the draft state budget, the economic growth will be 3.2%, the industry will grow by 5.5%, the agriculture – by 4.0%, the sphere of the services – by 2.8%. Certainly, such level of development still cannot be sufficient for the quick economic progress, however, it gives an opportunity to create certain basis for the provision of the regular activities of economy and its further development.

Refraining from the positive developments registered in the recent years, I would like to draw your main attention to our main works and steps during the coming year.

I think that the draft state budget for 2017 reflects the various problems existing in our country and the possibilities of their solution. We realize that our financial possibilities are not still sufficient for comprehensive and complete solution of all the existing problems. However, at the same time, I am sure that by efficiently using the available budgetary means we can provide tangible progress for the solution of the main problems existing in the republic.

The government policy should be directed to the continuous improvement of the population’s standard of living, and for providing it we should jointly put forth all our efforts and possibilities.

We should take measures for the solution of the social problems, more effective protection of the socially vulnerable layers and the provision of availability of social support.

One of our most important problems is the effective use of the whole potential of the country with the involvement of the wide layers of the society. The solution of the various problems accumulated in the country requires implementation of large-scale reforms: first of all, for the formation of freer competitive field and improvement of business atmosphere. We should create corresponding conditions in order people with entrepreneurship addictions will have an opportunity to realize their business potential, being deprived of bureaucratic red-tape and the inappropriate intervention of the state bodies, and in this direction the first steps, I believe, are visible for all of us.

The steps taken by the Government of Armenia in providing economic stability in recent years is worth of appreciation. Despite the external unfavourable environment, our country avoided shocks and undesirable economic and social developments. Of course, the recorded results cannot be considered sufficient for the provision of sustainable and long-term economic growth. We realize that and we are resolute to provide necessary preconditions for the solution of that problem through the implementation of necessary steps. We should not be satisfied with what we have, but we should continue to implement new programmes for the provision of the economic new quality growth. All citizens of the Republic of Armenia should feel on themselves the positive influence of the reforms underway. Every representative of the Republic of Armenia should feel the positive influence of the reforms underway. Every representative of the business world should feel the authorities’ resoluteness and readiness in supporting him and creating favourable environment for his activities. Our main problem is to reach sustainable development through revision of new solutions and approaches and more strengthen Armenia’s positions in the region.

I would like to especially emphasize the provision of social solidarity in the country, which to my deep conviction, is a necessary guarantee for providing fluent procedure of political and economic reforms. That, first of all, supposes new approaches to the social problems, putting the main emphasis on the fair and addressed social support. The tax-budgetary policy should be directed to the rise of the level of collection of state revenue, and provision of efficiency of state expenditures being spent on their account. All state bodies should ensure maximum results from the every spent budgetary means. Today, more than ever, the created economic situation requires from us more rational and expedient use of the state means by the investment of relevant mechanisms excluding the ineffective use of the budgetary means, moreover – the scattering. As you remember, the government programme was also built on these very approaches, which we approved just recently.

It is not a secret that one of the important problems facing the government is the further improvement of the investment environment and the involvement of new investments. Of course, the 3.2% economic growth index, being designed in 2017, is not relatively a bad index and can be a certain basis for the formation of the preconditions of the economy development. However, we understand that such level is not satisfactory to reach the adequate social-economic development level of our ambitions.

In this respect steps should be taken for the improvement of the business environment and the involvement of investments. I am more than convinced that despite our difficulties, our country has a number of advantages, and their revelation and right presentation can make Armenia attractive for foreign investors.

I consider mentioning that one of the important guarantees of the provision of the economic progress of the country is the implementation of the economic activities and the availability of expansion of perspectives. It requires necessary assistance and support to the economic entities, including the small and medium enterprises. We should invest practical mechanism in deepening state-private sector cooperation, which will essentially promote the solution of the abovementioned problems.

Dear deputies,

Summing up my speech, I would like to underline that the draft state budget for 2017 gives an opportunity to provide sufficient guarantees for the solution of the existing problems. Thus, I call on you to vote for the draft law of the Republic of Armenia on the State Budget of the Republic of Armenia for 2017, and in that way to support the effective implementation of the Government activities.”

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