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Joint Fourth Sitting of RA National Assembly Standing Committee on Foreign Relations and RF FA State Duma Committee on the CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Links with Compatriots Held
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On December 22, in the RA National Assembly the fourth joint sitting of the RA National Assembly Standing Committee on Foreign Relations and the RF FA State Duma Committee on the CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Links with Compatriots began.

Before passing to the works of the sitting the Chair of the RA National Assembly Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Artak Zakaryan touched upon the fact of the assassination of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Turkey Andrey Karlov who died by the terrorist’s bullet in Ankara on December 19. “We strongly condemn similar actions, which is once again the evidence of the fact that the fight against terrorism is the disclosure of prior and similar crimes on our agendas that in future should prevent the repetition of crimes,” the Committee Chair said.

The MPs in one-minute silence honoured the Ambassador’s bright memory.

Welcoming the newly elected colleagues of the Delegation of the RF FA State Duma Committee on the CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Links with Compatriots on being hosted in the RA Parliament, Artak Zakaryan expressed conviction that the joint sitting of the Committees will have its contribution to the activation of the economic and investment cooperation in the Armenian-Russian relations, the strengthening of the cooperation and strategic relations in the sphere of security and activation for cooperation in the inter-parliamentary platforms.

Thanking for the warm reception, the Chair of the RF FA State Duma Committee on the CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Links with Compatriots Leonid Kalashnikov touched upon the bilateral relations, noting that Armenia is a reliable counterpart and friend for Russia. In Mr Kalashnikov’s word during the items to be discussed at the sitting it will promote the development of bilateral cooperation. Talking about the security problems the Committee Chair has informed that by the Committee’s proposal the Russian side ratified the agreement concerning the creation of the joint anti-air defense system in the Caucasian Region between the Republic of Armenia and the RF. It was also noted that by the Committee’s proposal the item on ratifying the agreement on free move of the movable and military-industrial product between the countries was submitted to the State Duma. Leonid Kalashnikov also highlighted the cooperation of the two states in different international parliamentary platforms.

The Chair of the RA National Assembly Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Vardan Ayvazyan, the Deputy Chair RF FA State Duma Committee on the CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Links with Compatriots Viktor Vodolatski and the Head of the Chair of the Economic-Mathematical Methods of Armenian State University of Economics Ashot Tavadyan delivered speeches on the theme The Perspectives of Economic Cooperation and the Integration Dynamics within the Framework of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Initiatives and the Support of the Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation for Attractiveness of the Implementation and Investments of Business Projects.

The Chair of the RA National Assembly Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Vardan Ayvazyan has noted that at the present phase of the global challenges and world economy development deepening of regional integration processes is required from the participant countries of the Eurasian Economic Union through modernization of the economy promoting the improvement of the trade-economic relations within the EEU territory. In Mr Ayvazyan’s word, first of all, this process proposes involvement of mutually beneficial investments, rise of goods turnover, growth of competitiveness by the investment of high technologies, implementation of integration-corporative programmes, creation of trade free zones, unity of productive capabilities of the EEU countries, improving by that the macro-economic indices of the member countries. It has been noted that to achieve that goal it is necessary to create flexible mechanisms for the activities united economic territory, providing the free movement of goods, services, capital and labour force, which in its turn will promote the development of trade-economic relations and high technological production, especially taking into consideration joining of the programme of Silk Big Road economic zone building.

The Head of the Chair of the Economic-Mathematical Methods of Armenian State University of Economics Ashot Tavadyan presented the dynamics of the integration processes and the macro-economic indices in the EEU, the level of corruption in the EEU member countries, the export volumes to the RF from the RA and the reasons of their growth. Mr Tavadyan considered necessary the undertaking of the relevant measures directed to the effective counter impact against corruption in the EEU territory.

The member of the RA National Assembly on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Khosrov Harutyunyan, the First Deputy Chair of the RF FA State Duma Committee on the CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Links with Compatriots Konstantin Zatulin, the Head of Defense National Research University of RA Ministry of Defense, General-Lieutenant, Doctor-Professor of Political Sciences Hayk Kotanjyan and the Director of Caucasus Institute Research Center Alexander Iskandaryan delivered speeches on the them Regional Security: Armenian-Russian Cooperation and Regional Security Provision in the Territory of South Caucasus.

The RA NA deputy Khosrov Harutyunyan in his speech touched upon the potential of the Armenian-Russian strategic cooperation and talked not about the achievements, but also about the works to be done. In Mr Harutyunyan’s word, the mission of this cooperation is the provision of peace and security in South Caucasus. However, according to Mr Harutyunyan, only the strategic cooperation is not sufficient, we should also develop the economic component.

Konstatntin Zatulin talked about the Armenian-Russian bilateral interests. To his word, Russia wants to have good relations both with Turkey and Azerbaijan, but not at the price of losing the friendly relations with Armenia. In Konstatntin Zatulin’s opinion, the issue of Artsakh should be solved with the condition of never being started.

General-Lieutenant Hayk Kotanjyan talked about the Armenian-Russian cooperation in the military sphere. He has noted that the creation of expertise institutes will greatly promote the development of our countries’ cooperation, and Armenia can become a platform between Moscow and Washington.

In his speech Alexander Iskandaryan referred to the Armenian-Russian centuries-old friendship and historical commonalities. He noted that we should observe the friendship of the two countries in terms of importance and irreplaceability for each other.

The member of the RF FA State Duma Committee on the CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Links with Compatriots Kazbek Taysayev, the members of the RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Mher Shahgeldyan, Artashes Geghamyan, Vahe Enfiajyan and the member of the RA NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Karine Atshemyan delivered speeches on the theme The Cooperation at International Parliamentary Platforms: PACE, OSCE PA, CSTO PA, CIS PA, PABSEC, Inter-Parliamentary Union.

At the end of the sitting the deputies adopted a joint statement.

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