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Awards on Diplomat’s Day
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On March 3, the RA NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan visited the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where an awarding ceremony on Diplomat’s Day took place.

The RA Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian, the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Artak Zakaryan, Deputy Ministers, Ambassadors and representatives of diplomatic corps were present at the meeting.

Congratulating the attendees on professional day, the Speaker of the National Assembly noted: “This year Diplomat’s Day is marked under the jubilee date: 25 years ago, on 2 March 1992, our flag was lifted before the Headquarters of the United Nations organization, and Armenia became a UN member. And by that the birth certificate of the Armenian newly independent state received international ratification. By the decision of the RA Government that very day was established as Diplomat’s Day of the Republic of Armenia.”

Highlighting the diplomat’s work, Mr Sahakyan has noted that it is not only a service, but a mission, which the Armenian diplomats fulfill with honour and dignity, presenting their state to the world.

Touching upon the history of Armenian diplomacy, Galust Sahakyan has documented that numerous brilliant Armenian diplomats, who representing different states, have built it, often being at the centre of attention of events of historical importance, conditioning their favourable success by their professional actions.”

In the NA Speaker’s word, the positive rating of the state in the world going on through the path of democracy and sustainable development of our country is conditioned by the effective work of the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Armenian diplomats’ labourious work.

Galust Sahakyan highlighted the diplomats’ role in solving the external political problems, having a more competitive and combative country.

In the NA Speaker’s word, in the issues of national importance, especially, in the sphere of foreign policy, all bodies of the power should act coordinatedly, being led by the national interest of our state.

Regarding the activities of the National Assembly, Galust Sahakyan has noted that in parallel with the legislative activities the parliament continuously promotes the boosting of the international cooperation in different spheres, taking part with appropriate format in the processes concerning the foreign relations and expanding the inter-parliamentary ties. In different structures and parliaments the National Assembly gives international sounding to the RA foreign political most important problems, particularly, the Nahorno Karabakh problems and the recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

In this context the NA Speaker emphasized the united and practical work of all the forces represented in parliament and National Assembly - Ministry of Foreign Affairs cooperation. Galust Sahakyan attached importance to the role of the parliamentary diplomacy in the development of inter-state relations and establishment of the dialogue between the peoples.

Once again congratulating the attendees on professional holiday, the Speaker of the National Assembly thanked all the diplomats working in the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as in our diplomatic representations abroad for the great work that they do for our people and protection of the counytry's interests.

On the occasion of Diplomat’s Day the Speaker of the National Assembly awarded the RA Ambassador to Poland Edgar Ghazaryan, the RA Deputy Foreign Ministers Shavarsh Kocharyan, Karen Nazaryan and Armen Papikyan the Medal of Honour of the National Assembly for the close cooperation with the parliamentary delegations of the RA National Assembly in the inter-parliamentary structures and shown diplomatic support.

The Secretary General-Head of Staff of the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs Shahen Avagyan, the RA Permanent Representative to CSTO Davit Virabyan and Press Secretary of the RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tigran Balayan were awarded the Diploma of the RA National Assembly.

The Adviser to the RA Foreign Minister Armen Ghevondyan, the Head of the RA Mission to the European Union, Ambassador Tatul Margaryan and the Head of the RA Mission to NATO, Ambassador Armen Yedigaryan were awarded the Letter of Acknowledgment of the RA National Assembly Speaker.

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