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RA NA Speaker Receives Jan Petersen
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On March 22, the RA NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan received the Head of the OSCE/ODIHR Observation Mission Jan Petersen and the political analyst of the Mission Daniela Diaconu.

Welcoming the Head of the Observation Mission in the RA National Assembly, Galust Sahakyan highlighted the activities of the observation missions in the phase of preparation and holding of the elections in Armenia. In the NA Speaker’s word, they promote the development of democracy and the improvement of the electoral system.

Galust Sahakyan noted: “We conscientiously study the remarks and evaluations of the observation missions and try to make real the recommendations, which the observers present.”

The NA Speaker documented that Armenia permanently cooperated with the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR in the elaboration of the Electoral Code, as well as in the works aimed at the rise of quality of the elections. In this context the NA Speaker highlighted the contribution made by the EU to the organization of the elections and thanked the international structures, which had their contribution to the improvement of the electoral system in Armenia.

Highlighting the political dialogue between the power, the opposition and the civil society, the NA Speaker has stated that the improvement of the Electoral Code is aimed at not only upgrading the electoral system, but also to the rise and strengthening of public trust towards the electoral process.

In his word, Galust Sahakyan has underlined that the authorities of Armenia are ready to cooperate with all observation missions in order to hold elections in accordance with international standards, and they expect detailed and unbiased observation, as well as impartial evaluation of the elections.

Thanking the NA Speaker for the reception Jan Petersen noted that it had already been four weeks that the mission worked in Armenia, deploying teams in Yerevan and in the marzes. As Jan Petersen assured, the members of the mission had meetings with the RA President, the CEC Chairman, the representatives of the political parties and the citizens. Jan Petersen has affirmed that in all countries being observed the mission holds the observation with standard methodology and highlights the way of observation everywhere.

According to the Head of the Mission, the legislation, the legislative field and the very electoral campaign of the country is thoroughly studied. Next week 250 short-term observers and 110 parliamentarians from different countries of the world will join the mission.

Jan Petersen has noted that they cooperate with all observers and after two months the final report will be issued.

The Head of the Observation Mission stated that they will have a press conference next day of the elections, summing up their observations and giving a united evaluation, but they will stay in Yerevan until April 14.

At the end of the meeting the Speaker of the National Assembly answered in detail the questions concerning the Head of the OSCE/ODIHR Observation Mission, Ambassador Jan Petersen and the political analyst of the mission Daniela Diaconu, which related to the Electoral Code, the contribution to the parliamentary system of government and rating electoral system.

Alen Simonyan Receives U.S. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to RA Kristina Kvien
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31 items included on the draft agenda of regular sittings to be convened on June 11
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In case of improvement of health, it will be possible to be included again in pension accumulation system
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