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Eduard Sharmazanov Delivers a Speech in Saint Petersburg: Azerbaijan is Obliged to Recognize the Complete Realization of the Right to Self-Determination of Artsakh People
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On March 26, the RA NA Deputy Speaker, the Head of the RA NA Delegation to CSTO Parliamentary Assembly Eduard Sharmazanov took part in the sitting of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly Council in Tavrichesky Palace of Saint Petersburg and delivered a speech:

The NA Deputy Speaker particularly noted:

“Dear colleagues,

I congratulate all of us on the 15th anniversary of the CSTO formation and the 10th anniversary of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly formation. In the modern world the confrontation of the challenges of security requires making operative, flexible and accurate decisions. Today, new problems face the CSTO PA. We live in the quick changing world, and the growth of tension in the zone of the CSTO responsibility, including the South Caucasus, is evident.

During the autumn and spring sessions of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly at the RA state border Azerbaijan turned to armed adventurism, breaking the 1994 ceasefire, as well as the agreements reached in Vienna and Saint Petersburg. Such behaviour is inadmissible and condemnable.

The CSTO officially condemned that subversion, qualifying the actions of Azerbaijan “provocation.” I consider noting except the statements by the CSTO Secretary General and our Russian parliamentary colleagues, the other CSTO allies remained free from statements condemning Azerbaijan’s provoking actions. Azerbaijan’s such behaviour is not only a provocation towards Armenia, but also towards CSTO. Thus, the statements condemning the CSTO PA representatives are considered to be more than a necessity.

Dear colleagues,

in the CSTO zone of responsibility our parliamentary delegation is in favour of exclusively peaceful settlement of conflicts, particularly in Nagorno Karabakh issue. We should do our best for the establishment of stability in the region. However, to strengthen peace and stability, first of all, Azerbaijan should recognize the complete realization of the right to self-determination of Artsakh people.

I hope that in case of working consolidated on international platforms and supporting each other we can have our positive contribution to the establishment and strengthening of security in the zone of the CSTO responsibility.”

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