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Eduard Sharmazanov Receives Members of Lyderhorn Choir of Norway
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On April 13, the RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov received the members of Lyderhorn Choir, who arrived in Armenia from the Kingdom of Norway. Let us note that the Choir came to Armenia to honour the memory of 1915 Armenian Genocide and introduce the Armenians to the Norwegian spiritual music. On the previous day they visited Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex and paid tribute to the memory of Holy Martyrs.

Welcoming the guests’ visit to our country, the RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov highlighted the mission of the Choir to fight against challenges and injustice existing in the 21st century through culture.

“I am sure that we should fight against injustice of past in Christian way, preaching love and solidarity, and I see aspiration of justice in your fight,” Mr Sharmazanov underlined.

The RA NA Deputy Speaker emphasized the fighting against genocides and in that context stressed that irrespective of their religious views, not only political, but also the cultural figures should fight through all-human values.

“In most cases we, the politicians, cannot do what you can do, and you proved that in Tsitsernakaberd yesterday, spreading love, tolerance and fraternity everywhere,” Eduard Sharmazanov noted.

The guests have underlined that their visit is one more impetus of development of the Armenian-Norwegian relations and noted they will continue their just fight. In the organizers’ word, the cherished desire of the Choir has been to come to Armenia and especially visit Tsitsernakaberd.

At the end of the visit the members of the Choir accompanied by the RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov had been in the NA Session Hall, got acquainted with the procedure order of the sessions. Afterwards, they performed from Komitas works in the Session Hall.

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