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President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahom Visits National Assembly
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On June 14, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon visited the RA National Assembly.

Heads and representatives of the parliamentary factions attended the meeting.

Welcoming the President of the Republic of Tajikistan in the National Assembly, Ara Babloyan has noted that he is happy to host the President of friendly Tajikistan in the parliament within the framework of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Armenian-Tajik diplomatic relations.

The RA NA President has documented that today the Armenian-Tajik relations develop in all directions, and Armenia is concerned about deepening them, stemming from the interests of the two countries.

Ara Babloyan highlighted the role of the parliamentary diplomacy and Friendship Groups in the establishment and deepening of bilateral relations.

The RA NA President emphasized the attitude of Tajikistan’s authorities and people towards the Armenian community living in their country.

Ara Babloyan highly assessed the Tajikistani President’s approach of solving the problems facing his country through peaceful means and expressed hope that the Armenian-Tajik friendly relations will also have their influence in the NK problem, and the viewpoints will be consonant with the viewpoint of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries.

In this context, Ara Babloyan noted with pain: “One thing is, when the soldier dies during war, in the battlefield. And when the young people die during peaceful times, we simply talk about murder.”

The President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon congratulated Ara Babloyan on being elected President of the RA National Assembly and wished him fruitful work.

The President of Tajikistan has noted that since the establishment of independence the relations of the two countries have risen and today there are all conditions for deepening them.

In Emomali Rahmon s word, the political dialogue of the two countries is at high level, and the cooperation develops in the spheres of education, science, health care, economy and culture.

Talking about the geopolitical recent developments and the situation in the region, Emomali Rahmon has stated that Tajikistan is in the dangerous zone, and the Tajik people know well the price of peace. Touching upon the NK conflict settlement, the President of Tajikistan has noted that the negotiations going on over the peaceful settlement shall be the only way for the solution of the conflict.

The President of Tajikistan documented that our countries should deepen the cooperation in all possible spheres and together overcome the challenges of time.

Afterwards, the President of Tajikistan left a note in the Commemoration Book of Honourable Guests of the RA National Assembly.

At the end of the meeting Emomali Rahmon invited the parliamentary delegation to Tajikistan.

The invitation was gladly accepted.

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