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Meeting in Parliament
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On June 26, the Head of the RA NA RPA Faction Vahram Baghdasaryan met with Judith Farnworth, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Armenia.

The Secretary of the RA NA RPA Faction Gagik Melikyan attended the meeting.

Welcoming the guest, the Head of the RPA Faction highlighted the Letter-Agreement signed recently by the RA NA Speaker Ara Babloyan and Ambassador Judith Farnworth, as well as the projects being implemented in our country by the Embassy.

Vahram Baghdasaryan expressed conviction that the joint cooperation will be effective.

At the request of the Head of the RPA Faction, Judith Farnworth presented details about the exit process of the United Kingdom from the EU. She has noted that the process takes place on the basis of democracy and emphasized the right of her people’s free will expression.

The Ambassador noted: “The United Kingdom will leave the European Union, but not Europe.”

Judith Farnworth has emphasized the cooperation with the parliament of our country and has informed that it is designed to implement a number of new joint projects in the future.

Noting that since April 2008 Armenia will fundamentally turn into the system of the parliamentary government, presented details about the process of the ongoing reforms, highlighted the resoluteness of the country’s leadership in fighting corruption.

The Head of the RPA Faction noted that in the nearest future the corruption phenomena will decrease in Armenia and emphasized the fundamental reforms going on in the justice system.

Referring to the relations of the two countries, Vahram Baghdasaryan highly assessed the cooperation with the United Kingdom and considered necessary its further development also in the political and economic spheres.

In the development of parliamentary diplomacy the Head of the RPA Faction emphasized the role and the importance of the Parliamentary Friendship Groups.

Regarding the regional problems, Vahram Baghdasaryan noted that Armenia never wanted war.

Highlighting the role of the OSCE Minsk Group in the settlement of the Karabakh problem, the Head of the RPA Faction stated that the Co-Chairs’ statements should be targeted.

In the solution of the Artsakh problem and the establishment of the peace in the region Judith Farnworth also emphasized the role of the OSCE Minsk group.

Quoting the example of the Northern Ireland, the Ambassador noticed: “Before nobody believed that peace will be established there, but as a result of the political will manifestation, peace has been established and the militarized borders have been removed.”

In the course of the meeting the sides also talked about numerous issues.

The interlocutors expressed conviction that the cooperation between the parliament of our country and the Embassy will be continuous.

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