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Ara Babloyan Meets with Vyacheslav Volodin in Seoul
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On June 26, in Seoul within the framework of the visit of the Delegation led by the RA NA Speaker Ara Babloyan, comprising the RA NA deputy Samvel Farmanyan, the RA Deputy Foreign Minister Armen Papikyan to Korea met with Vyacheslav Volodin, the Speaker of the State Duma of the RF Federal Assembly.

Ara Babloyan highlighted the Armenian-Russian relations based on the centuries-old friendship, which in the context of the EEU membership of the two countries had turned into a new phase. The RA NA Speaker underlined the constructive role of Russia in the NK conflict settlement, as a Co-Chair country in the OSCE Minsk Group. Ara Babloyan has documented that Armenia emphasizes the events aimed at the formation of the mutual atmosphere: the peaceful settlement has no alternative.

The RA NA Speaker touched upon the cooperation of the parliamentary delegations of the two countries in the international structures, which is based on the mutual support and ally solidarity.

Ara Babloyan proposed to hold the next meeting of the heads of the parliaments of the Eurasian countries in Yerevan, underlining the importance of strengthening the inter-parliamentary between the states of the Eurasian region.

Vyacheslav Volodin congratulated Ara Babloyan on being elected RA NA Speaker and wished him fruitful activities.

In his word, Mr Volodin referred to the high level cooperation existing between the parliaments of Russia and Armenia, emphasizing the activities of the parliamentary Friendship Groups in strengthening and deepening of the relations.

Vyacheslav Volodin noted that as a result of the increase of the cooperation volumes within the EEU format, necessity emerged to cooperate in the new format. Vyacheslav Volodin highlighted the rapprochement of cooperation between Russia and Armenia in all spheres.

At the end of the meeting the interlocutors discussed the necessity of the investment of the cooperation new formats, the ways and perspectives of their development.

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