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Speech by Member of Armenian Delegation to PACE Naira Zohrabyan in PACE Summer Session
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“Dear colleagues, today is a moment of truth for the Assembly. At least it was expected for me that Pedro Agramunt will not behave himself either as a political figure, or as a man, and will not submit a resignation. Thus, we should adhere to the decision made by the Bureau in the April Session and don’t allow that an Agramunt, who refuses to adopt the decision of the Bureau and does not want to leave like a man, will the Assembly turn into clownery. We should begin just now Pedro Agramunt’s impeachment legal process and clean the Assembly from the shameful stigma of corruption and clash of interests.

Agramuntgate is a wonderful precedent, in order CoE member some totalitarian countries don’t dare to buy anymore, direct, dictate their interest to any member of the Assembly, or it is more shameful any PACE President. Agramuntgate is a good precedent in order some members of the Assembly understand finally that it is not possible to digest the oil dollars, and one day it will be stuck in their throat.

I welcome the creation of the independent structure of the study of the corruption statements by the Assembly Bureau. I am sure that the well-known figures of caviar diplomacy will become a matter of examination of that body, so it will become a matter of examination through whom and how much money has Azerbaijan spent for failing Strasser’s report on political prisoners in Azerbaijan, where besides already famous Luca Volontè, as the former member of the Azerbaijani delegation to PACE Gultakin Hajibeil also well aware of that case, Pedro Agramunt and other members of the Assembly are involved too. I hope that the independent body will make a matter of examination also the moot stories of the reports authored by Milica Marković, and it is not accidental that Azerbaijan and Turkey were wildly against the creation of this structure in the Committee of Ministers.

Dear colleagues, from the moment when Agramunt became PACE President, we were voicing the facts of serving to different totalitarian leaders of that Mister, but you were silent. When my colleagues and we were speaking out loud that in failing our colleague Christopher Strasser’s report Agramunt and some MPs sitting here also served the Azerbaijani lobby interests together with Volonte, and Agramunt was making us silent, you did not do anything.

Now, the moment of facing the truth has come. I am sure that finally we will have as much courage and honesty to clean our Assembly from the corruption web in order the Agramunt gates will not be repeated anymore.”

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