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Representatives of RA NA Factions Meet with Representatives of RA Judicial Code Expert Group of Venice Commission
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On July 10, the representatives of the RA NA factions met with the representatives of the RA Judicial Code Expert Group of the European Commission Democracy for Law (Venice Commission).

The Head of the RPA Faction Vahram Baghdasaryan, members of the Faction Armen Ashotyan, Hrayr Tovmasyan, Rustam Makhmudyan and the Head of the ARF Faction Armen Rustamyan took part in the meeting from the RA NA RPA and the RA NA ARF factions.

Welcoming the guests Vahram Baghdasaryan noted with satisfaction that Armenia effectively cooperated with the Venice Commission and expressed conviction that it will continue during the discussions on the new RA Draft Judicial Code.

Hrayr Tovmasyan, who had been member of the Constitutional Reforms Committee, informed that the reforms of the Code are directed to the guarantee of the judicial power independence and ensuring of efficiency. He highlighted the creation of the higher judicial council and the appointment of the chairs of the courts with certain term, which is a new institute.

In Armen Rustamyan's word, the elaboration of the new Judicial Code is one of the key items of the RPA and ARF coalition cooperation, and they are ready to do their utmost for having a Code complying with the international standards.

Thanking the Faction representatives for the reception, the guests noted that the Venice Commission in general, positively assessed the constitutional reforms implemented in the RA. The European experts emphasized the coordinated work of the parliamentary majority and minority in the elaboration of the new RA Draft Judicial Code.

On the same day the Secretary of the RA NA Tsarukyan Faction Vahe Enfiajyan and the member of the Faction Gevorg Petrosyan also met with the representatives of the Venice Commission.

Issues concerning the new RA Judicial Code were discussed. The guests were interested in agreeing the amendments being envisaged in the new RA judicial Code with the opposition.

According to Vahe Enfiajyan, there is need to radically improve the RA Judicial Code, some positive changes had already been made. The RA NA Tsarukyan Faction Secretary expressed his concerns on the Electoral Code, and according to him, the society did not accept it.

Gevorg Petrosyan noted that Tsarukyan Ally highlighted the necessity of having an independent judicial system in its pre-electoral programme. According to the speaker, during recent years, nevertheless, positive changes have been made in the judicial system, which is not sufficient for considering the system fully independent. Gevorg Petrosyan has also stated that there aren't still specialized courts in Armenia, as there are in a number of European countries including also in Italy. To Gevorg Petrosyan's assessment, there is a problem of courts' independence.

Afterwards, the representatives of the Venice Commission received the Secretary of the RA NA Way Out Faction Gevorg Gorgisyan and the member of the Faction Edmon Marukyan. The guests were interested in the elaboration of the new RA Judicial Code and the implementation of the new RA Constitution, as well as the problems existing in the RA judicial system.

Edmon Marukyan presented the main problems existing in the RA judicial system, expressed concern on the interventions in the judicial-legal system by the political forces. He presented the viewpoint of the RA NA Way Out Faction on having independent judicial system.

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