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Eduard Sharmazanov Visits Orbeli Brothers’ House-Museum
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On September 5, the RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov visited Orbeli Brothers’ House-Museum in Tsakhkadzor. Let us note this year the 135th anniversary of the well-known Physiologist Levon Orbeli and the 130th anniversary of the well-acclaimed Armenologist, Orientalist and Ethnologist, the Founder President of the RA National Academy of Sciences Hovsep Orbeli.

The RA NA Deputy Speaker observed the exhibition of the House-Museum and listened to the employees’ proposals.

“Orbeli Brothers are great figures of the Armenians' scientific thought, and all of them reached world fame in their spheres. Their scientific heritage is invaluable,” Mr Sharmazanov underlined.

Eduard Sharmazanov has informed that on his initiative on September 25-26, the IPA CIS will organize events dedicated to Hovsep Orbeli’s 130th anniversary in Tavrichesky Palace of Saint Petersburg. He also added that in October exhibition of the exhibits of Orbeli Brothers’ House-Museum will be organized in the RA National Assembly, Orberli brothers’ week will be held.

“We are obliged to remember, honour and present to the future generations the three Armenian renowned world fame scientists of the 20th century,” Eduard Sharmazanov underlined.

He also noted that during the Leningrad blockade Hovsep Orbeli, being the Director of Hermitage saved from fascism annihilation many species of world art. By the NA Deputy Speaker’s assessment, Hovsep Orbeli is one of the symbols of overcoming the Leningrad blockade.

During his talk with the House-Museum employees Eduard Sharmazanov opined that discussions may start on naming Hovsep Orbeli the RA NAS Institute of Oriental Studies or the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography.

Ruben Rubinyan Receives Ambassador of Sweden to RA
On September 26, RA Vice President of the RA National Assembly Ruben Rubinyan received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Sweden to Armenia Patrik Svensson.Issues regarding the RA-Sweden cooperation, the regional security were discussed. Reference was made to the norm...

Concepts of electronic library and cultural, educational, information center will be defined
As a result of the adoption of the draft, concepts of electronic library and cultural, educational, information center, loft will be defined, the requirement of replenishing the fund of the Armenian studies of the important libraries of abroad will be fixed, the goals of the use of the libraries wil...

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