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Parliament Continues Work of Regular Sittings
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On October 4, the RA National Assembly continued the work of the regular sittings and by voting passed the bills and agreements debated on the previous day, except the draft law on Creating NA Ad-hoc Committee for presenting an endorsement to the National Assembly on the RA NA draft statement (Kh-127-11.09.2017-AH-013/0) on beginning a process of stopping the action of the Eurasian Economic Union Treaty on the Republic of Armenia authored by the RA NA Way Out Faction.

The parliamentarians welcomed the students and lecturers of the Faculty of Journalism of Yerevan State University (YSU), who had arrived in the legislative body within the framework of the NA Open Doors programme.

The parliament continued debating the draft law on Prosecutor’s Office in the first reading.

The NA deputies Hrayr Tovmasyan, Gevorg Petrosyan, Nikol Pashinyan, Rustam Makhmudyan and Artak Zeynalyan expressed their viewpoints on the draft law.

During the sitting the MPs welcomed the members of Bulgaria-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group of the Republic of Bulgaria being in Armenia.

In their final speeches the speakers Gevorg Kostanyan and the RA First Deputy Minister of Justice Artur Hovhannisyan touched upon the deputies’ voiced evaluations and concerns, gave clarifications.

Afterwards the parliament in the first reading debated the package of the draft laws on Amending the RA Law on State Service in the National Assembly Staff and on Making Addenda to the RA Law on Public Service authored by the RA NA deputies Galust Sahakyan, Shushan Sardaryan and Murad Muradyan.

A number of agreements were debated

The RA First Deputy Minister of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies Gagik Grigoryan, the Head of the General Department of the Civil Aviation adjunct to the RA Government Sergey Avetisyan, the RA Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Investments Hovhannes Azizyan presented agreements.

Gagik Melikyan presented the endorsement of the RA NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs on the agreements.

The RA First Deputy of Defense Artak Zakaryan presented for debate the draft law on Ratifying the agreement on United Grouping of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia and the Armed Forces /troops/ of the Russian Federation.

The Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security Koryun Nahapetyan presented the endorsement of the Committee, noting that the Russian Federation had already ratified the agreement.

The RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Shamazanov delivered an extraordinary speech.

The RA NA Deputy Speaker noted that the agreement under debate stems from the strategy and military doctrine of the national security of the Republic of Armenia.

The RA NA Deputy Speaker Mikayel Melkumyan took an advantage of his right to the extraordinary speech.

Mikayel Melkumyan talked about the sale of weapons to Azerbaijan by the RF and the military-political ally perspective between the Republic of Armenia and Artsakh Republic.

The RA NA deputies Gevorg Gorgisyan, Aram Sargsyan, Nikol Pashinyan, Khosrov Harutyunyan, mane Tandilyan, Artashes Geghamyan, Artak Zeynalyan and Mihran Hakobyan gave speeches on the agreement.

Vahram Baghdasaryan presented the viewpoint of the RA NA RPA Faction.

In their final speeches Koryun Nahapetyan and Artak Zakaryan touched upon the deputies' concerns.

During the RA NA sitting by the proposal of the RA NA President Ara Babloyan the deputies welcomed the President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Milan Štěch and the delegation led by him, who visited the Republic of Armenia on an official visit.

Welcoming the Armenian parliamentarians, the President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Milan Štěch has noted that it is a great honour for him to deliver a speech in the National Assembly of Armenia. Informing that this is his first state visit to Armenia, on behalf of the Czech Republic Milan Štěch once again congratulated the Armenian MPs on receiving parliamentary mandates and has documented with satisfaction that the relations of the two countries are at high level. He expressed hope that his visit would also be favourable.

Mr Štěch has underlined that the Czech Republic and Armenia have many commonalities, which is also based on Christian roots. The President of the Senate of the Czech parliament highly assessed the mutual visits of the two countries' Presidents.

Highlighting the parliamentary diplomacy, Mr Štěch evaluated the cooperation between the parliaments of the two countries and underlined the role of the RA NA Deputy Speaker, the Head of Armenia-Czech Republic Friendship Group Eduard Sharmazanov and his frequent visits to the Czech Republic.

Touching upon the issue of Armenia-EU cooperation, Milan Štěch expressed hope that the Eastern Partnership would boost Armenia-European Union partnership ties.

According to the President of the Senate of the Czech Parliament, the Czech Republic is ready to deepen the cooperation with Armenia in different spheres, particularly in the trade-economic sphere, and the Armenian-Czech Business Forum held today in Yerevan will also promote it.

Thanking his Czech colleague, the RA NA President Ara Babloyan highlighted the visit of the President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic to Armenia and assured that the Armenian deputies are ready to make all efforts for further expanding and strengthening the friendship existing between the two peoples and countries.

The deputies continued the legislative work and the debate of the agreements.

Artak Zakaryan presented for debate a number of agreements, and the member of the RA NA Standing Committee on Defense and Security Felix Tsolakyan and the Committee Chair Koryun Nahapetyan presented the endorsements of the Committee on the agreements.

The debate of the agreements will continue at October 5 RA NA sitting.

According to the constitutional law NA Rules of Procedure, the last sitting of the day was allotted to NA-Government Q & A.

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