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Speech by RA National Assembly Speaker Ara Babloyan in 137th Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly
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On October 15, in Saint Petersburg the Speaker of the RA National Assembly Ara Babloyan took part in the 137th Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly and delivered a speech.

“Dear moderator,

Dear colleagues,

Ladies and gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to thank the Russian colleagues for the hospitality and the excellent organisation of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly.

It is a great honour for me to deliver a speech from this tribune and present the vision of the issues, which relate to all of us.

The advancement of the inter-cultural diversity through inter-religious and transnational dialogue is the most important precondition for the sustainable development of the modern society.

Being the first Christian country in the world, being in the crossroads of different cultures and religions through many centuries Armenia had a special opportunity to communicate with numerous civilisations. Due to this cooperation in Armenia there are: the ancient temple of the Hellenic era, many old churches, medieval Jewish cemetery and the unique mosque of the 18th century. Soon in Armenia the construction of the biggest Yezidi temple in the world will be completed.

These inter-cultural ties exist due to the Armenian people’s deep respect towards other cultures, religions and traditions.

Recently an important step was taken in involving the representatives of the national minorities in the political processes of the Republic of Armenia. According to the new Electoral Code, the representatives of the national minorities - the Kurds, the Russians, the Yezidis and the Assyrians received mandates of a deputy of the country’s parliament.

Today, the two thirds of our people lives outside Armenia. They, who succeeded to survive the Armenian Genocide perpetrated in the Ottoman Empire, disseminated throughout the world. There, where our compatriots found their house, organized vital, full-fledged integrated communities, at the same time preserving their national identity. It is always a pleasure for us to hear about the contribution of the Armenian Diaspora, which promotes the development of many countries of the world.

Today, we are strictly concerned about the destiny of the Armenians and other ethnic and religious minorities in the Near East and especially Syria. The crimes being committed on the national and religious basis by the terrorists in the region don’t spare our compatriots, Armenians, who from very early times are inseparable part of the multi-national, multi-cultural palette of the Near East. Armenia received more than twenty thousand refugees only from Syria, by that becoming the third country of Europe according to the number of population that received refugees of Syria.

We also try to help those, who need it in Syria, providing delivery of the humanitarian aid.

The crisis of Syria has aggravated the contradictions in the Near East and beyond its borders. We can have different opinions on its initial causes, development or solution, but we should remain faithful to the united position of the humanitarian issues. Any effort directed to the protection and restoration of the suffered communities should get support irrespective of the existing contradictions.

Talking about the dialogue between the inter-cultural pluralism and development of peace, civilisations and cultures, the cooperation between them, we remember such essential irreplaceable notions, as the diversity and solidarity, which being inter-related, can advance each other.

During the whole period of the history the violence has annihilated many civilisations from the globe and destroyed unique cultural layers in their native lands. The ideas of destruction of other cultures could not be realized, if the intolerance and hatred would not find fertile soil in the xenophobia towards the diversity. Unfortunately, today we continue to witness the destruction of the Christian, Buddhist and Islamic monuments in different countries. Recently, in Syria the Forty Martyrs Armenian Church of the 15th century was exploded by the terrorists in Syria.

The situation is also terrible in the neighbouring Azerbaijan, where the Armenian cultural and the spiritual heritage was destroyed, numerous monasteries, churches, old cemeteries, unique cross-stones and other sanctuaries were ruined.

There is similar situation also in Turkey, where the centuries-old Armenian heritage has been coordinated and consistently ruined.

Dear colleagues,

The policy of xenophobia and intolerance, which is implemented by a number of countries, continues impeding the peaceful settlement of the delayed conflicts. One of those countries is Azerbaijan, which instead of directing its efforts to the peaceful settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict, has chosen the language of force – the bellicose and xenophobia rhetoric.

Baku denies the proposals of the international mediators, the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs: Russia, France and the USA, refuses implementing measures of strengthening trust, provoking in its country anti-Armenian hysteria and in any way aspires the Nagorno Karabakh conflict to give inter-ethnic and inter-religious character, which does not lead anywhere. However, the essence of the conflict is completely different: the Nagorno Karabakh people’s self-determination is in peaceful aspiration.

Mahatma Gandhi said: “Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit.”

The intolerance, the respect towards the others’ national, cultural and religious heritage is one of the preconditions of the peoples’ harmonious and peaceful symbiosis and development,” the RA NA Speaker Ara Babloyan said.

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