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Debates of RA Draft Law on RA State Budget for 2018 Continue in RA NA Standing Committees
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On November 2, at the joint sitting of the RA NA Standing Committee on European Integration and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs moderated by Naira Zohrabyan and Gagik Minasyan the debates of the RA NA draft law on the RA State Budget for 2018, where the RA NA deputies, the RA First Deputy Minister of Finance Atom Janjughazyan, the RA Deputy Foreign Minister Karen Nazaryan and those responsible for the sphere took part in it.

At the joint sitting the deputies debated the allocations designed for the sphere of the European integration by the RA draft law on the RA State Budget for 2018.

The RA First Deputy Minister of Finance Atom Janjughazyan presented loan programmes, allocations for the relevant spheres.

The RA Deputy Foreign Minister Karen Nazaryan presented the main directions of the development of the RA-EU relations in the months of the current year.

According to Karen Nazaryan, during the PACE Autumn Session evident achievements have been recorded and he believes that it is the result of the consistent and coordinated work by the RA Parliamentary delegation.

The Deputy Foreign Minister has touched upon the signing of the Agreement on the RA-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership in the upcoming Summit of the Eastern partnership on November 2017, underlining that the RA is ready to sign document.

Karen Nazaryan also presented the liberalisation visa process with the European countries, noting that conditioned by the logic sequence of the steps Armenia will be ready to take measures in that direction, too.

The deputies made recommendations, touched upon the key issues concerning the investments.

At the joint sitting of the RA NA Standing Committee Territorial Administration, Local Self-Administration, Agriculture and Environment and on Financial-Credit Budgetary Affairs moderated by Vardevan Grigoryan and Gagik Minasyan the allocations designed for the spheres of the RA territorial administration bodies, agriculture and environment, the donations to be given to the communities.

The RA NA deputies, the RA Ministers, the RA Heads of Marzes took part in the debate.

At the beginning of the sitting the RA First Deputy Minister of Finance Atom Janjughazyan presented the financial indices to be allocated to the spheres under debate, afterwards the RA Minister of Agriculture Ignati Arakelyan, the RA Minister of Environment Artsvik Minasyan, the RA Minister of Territorial Administration and Development Davit Lokyan and the RA Heads of Marzes touched upon the programmes related to the spheres, answered to the deputies' questions and recommendations.

The debate of the draft state budget will continue in the RA NA Standing Committees on November 3.

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