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Citizens of Artsakh Have the Same Right of Building an Independent State as Lithuania and Armenia: Eduard Sharmazanov
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On December 14, the delegation led by the RA NA Deputy Speaker, the Head of the RA NA Armenia-Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia Friendship Group Eduard Sharmazanov met with the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Darius Skusevičius. The delegation is comprised of the RA NA deputies Samvel Farmanyan and Suren Manukyan.

At the meeting a number of agenda items of the Armenian-Lithuanian relations were touched upon, and the important role of the parliamentary diplomacy in that process was especially underlined. With regards to the Armenian-Lithuanian political and trade-economic relations the sides expressed satisfaction relating to the activation of trade and underscored the great potential existing in that sphere.

The interlocutors exchanged thoughts on the regional problems.

“Turkey keeps Armenia under illegal blockade which is condemnable and inadmissible. Moreover, the denial policy of the Turkish authorities does not promote the regional stability, but, on the contrary, encourages Azerbaijan in the implementation of the bellicose policy. The NK problem should be solved exclusively through peaceful negotiations – in the format of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship. The citizens of Artsakh have the same right of building an independent state as Lithuania and Armenia,” Mr Sharmazanov documented.

Issues concerning the development of the RA-EU relations were also debated. “The signing of the RA-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement is historical,” the Vice Minister of the Foreign Affairs of Lithuania stressed.

The RA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Lithuania Tigran Mkrtchyan also attended the meeting.

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The live stream of the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union....

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