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NA Speaker Conferred Class Degrees

According to the Article 8 of the law “On State Service in the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia,” on February 10 Parlaiment Speaker Artur Baghdasaryan conferred on 65 employees of the staff class degrees, being led by the results of the attestation and competition.

It was the first time NA Speaker was conferring class degrees upon the state servicemen of the parliament: till now the President of the Republic conferred class degrees upon some members of the high group of the state service in the staff.

During the solemn ceremony NA Speaker Artur Baghdasaryan congratulated those present and wished them to fulfill their duties with more responsibility, be honest and faultless, contributing to the activities of the legislative body. Speaking about the expecting attestation in the staff, according to the law “On the State Service in the RA National Assembly,” Mr. Baghdasaryan noted that an objective approach will be displayed towards the participants. NA Speaker stated that at the end of the year that the initiative of encouraging and awarding the best employees will become a good tradition in the parliament.

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