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Concern in Problems of Preservation and Development of Science

On February 14 RA NA President Artur Baghdasaryan met 12 directors of institutes of branches of physical and mathematical and engineering sciences. The key problems of the meeting were the studies that were made by the council of the scientists affiliated with NA President in 33 institutes of the academic system for clarifying their positions and problems.

The directors of the institutes introduced the Parliament President general problems of the development of science, which demand conceptual or legislative solutions, and local problems that are related to certain institutes. In particular, the science - power, the science-society and the science-production connections were highlighted. For the development of science the directors of the institutes considered a necessary demand the recovery of scientific atmosphere and the elaboration of the concepts of preservation and development of science by the state. It was noted with satisfaction that in this direction certain steps have already been made: in the state budget financing of science has increased (from 3bn 321600m drams of 2004 to 4bn 102 600m drams of 2005), the concept of development of science is in process of elaboration, but it is not enough for having a science with modern standards. In the list of problems the deterioration of the infrastructures, poor condition of buildings, necessity of purchase of the modern scientific equipment which is an obligatory condition of development of experimental sciences and creation of joint center of research of the received data was noted. The problem of generation change was especially emphasized, and the difficulties impeding the involvement of youth into science were stated. Also problems needing legislative regulation were noted, in particular, correct operation of mines from the viewpoint of geology, the adoption of the law on innovative activity, which will greatly promote the development of science-production relationship in involving the youth in scientific works.

As a result of the meeting, certain agreements on all discussed issues have been achieved: first of all working groups for separate discussion of the general and local issues of the institutes, after which the priorities of each institute will be clarified in NAS, then the NA President will be submitted the packages of proposals on certain issues. At the end of the meeting, the NA President Artur Baghdasaryan noted that is necessary to strengthen attention concerning the solution of scientific and scientific-technical problems i.e. from formation of the scientific atmosphere to the increase of financing and also strengthening the business ties of the Armenian scientists with the developed centres of science of the world. This issue is constantly discussed, and cooperation agreements are reached with RA NAS during the official visits of NA President.

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