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Statements and Responses of the Member of the RA NA Delegation to PACE Armen Gevorgyan
On December 2, the Meeting of the PACE Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development was held in Paris. The Member of the RA NA Delegation to PACE Armen Gevorgyan noted during the debate on the theme The Impact of the Armed Conflicts on the Environment in 2022:“Dear colleagues:I me...

Armen Gevorgyan: The Theme of Development and Empowerment of Local Democracy Must Become One of the Main Priorities for the 4th Council of Europe Summit
On December 2, at the regular Meeting of the PACE Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development held in Paris as a key rapporteur on PACE Local and Regional Authorities, the Member of the NA Delegation to PACE Armen Gevorgyan made a final report.“Dear colleagues:Following the break...

Spanish MP Gets Acquainted with Consequences of Azerbaijani Aggression
In the Parliament of Spain we are engaged in the processes on voicing the Armenian issues. The Congress of Deputies unanimously adopted a statement, which condemns the invasion to the sovereign territory of Armenia by the Azerbaijani forces and calls on them to return to their initial positions. The...

The Aim of the Initiative is the Creation of the Biometric Passport, Electronic Identity and Possibility of Signing with Conditions of Newest Technologies and Security for the Citizens
The aim of the bills is creation of the biometric passport and electronic identity and possibility of signing with the conditions of the future generation technologies and security for the citizens and gradually, according to the end of the term, the replacement of the old passports and electronic c...

Amount of Minimum Salary to Be 75.000 AMD from January 1, 2023 by Legislative Initiative
It is proposed to set the amount of the minimum monthly salary in our country 75.000 AMD instead of the present 68.000 AMD from January 1, 2023 by the legislative package. Accordingly, the minimum amounts of the hourly tariff rate for the workers being paid on fee or hourly basis will also be increa...

Viewpoints of Parliamentary Factions on NA Draft Statement
At December 2 NA extraordinary sitting, the parliament debated the issue the RA NA Statement Related to November 8, 2022 of Parliament of Azerbaijan authored by the Armenia Faction.The representatives of the NA Factions gave speeches on the draft. On behalf of the NA With Honor Faction Tigran Abraha...

MPs Gave Speeches on Draft Statement Authored by Armenia Faction
The Parliament debated the issue – the RA NA Statement related to the statement of the Parliament of Azerbaijan on November 8, 2022 authored by the Armenia Faction, at the RA NA extraordinary sitting. Ideas were exchanged regarding the draft. The NA deputies expressed their point of views. Hripsime ...

Head of Civil Service Bureau of Office of RA Prime Minister: It is not a salary increment, but the increments are reduced
The minimum salary will increase to 75.000 AMD from January 1, 2023. The draft budget also established that the base salary should become 83.200 AMD. during the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs, the Head of the Civil Service Bureau of the Office of the RA Prime Minist...

Heriknaz Tigranyan: There is a Task of Disclosing the Possible Corruption Risks of the Adoption System and Non-Credible Adoptions
The problems of the adoption system in Armenia are in the centre of attention of the legislative and executive bodies, as well as all competent bodies: the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on Labour and Social Affairs Heriknaz Tigranyan said during the working debate of the abovementioned issue at...

New Disability Assessment Model Debated
The Laws on Rights of Persons with Disabilities and on Assessment of Person’s Functionality were adopted in 2021. Now, the regulations proposed by the legislative package providing for amendments and addenda to the Law on Local Self-Government and a number of related laws aim to harmonize the terms ...

Tatevik Gasparyan: Armenia is interested in the strengthening of regional security and is committed to fulfill its obligations
“I know that you have visited Armenia and Artsakh several times. We highly appreciate your solidarity and support for the Armenian people. At this difficult moment, when the sovereign territory of democratic Armenia is threatened, your principled and constructive position also emphasizes your commit...

At Extraordinary Sitting Parliament Debates RA NA Statement Related to the Statement of Parliament of Azerbaijan of November 8, 2022
On November 8, the parliament of Azerbaijan adopted a stamen on 44-day war of 2020, where the essence of the Karabakh conflict and the causes of its origin were falsified. In our point of view, wrong evaluations were made to the causes of the 44-day war. Unacceptable demands with no legal bases were...

Eduard Aghajanyan: Agreement was Reached on Numerous Paragraphs, But Mutual Agreement was Not Succeeded to Reach on Some Paragraphs
On November 8, 2022 the parliament of Azerbaijan adopted a statement on 44-day war, where formulations were used, which are unacceptable for the Armenia Faction. The essence of the Artsakh conflict is distorted, and the reasons of the 44-day war are also distorted. Demands are presented to Armenia, ...

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